Sign Our Petition! Make Meds Affordable NOW!

TAKE ACTION to Make Meds Affordable NOW!
Sign Our Petition

Share Your Health Care Story
Join us in DC on Oct. 6th!

Did you know that 29% of Adults in the US have delayed refills, rationed, or skipped their medications simply because they couldn’t afford them? For many, this has lead to worsening of symptoms, serious illness, and death.

Did you know that the Biden Administration and the Health and Human Services Secretary Becerra can help make medications more affordable NOW, without waiting on Congress?

It’s true! They have a way of reining in corporate greed right now. And they can break pharmaceutical monopolies in the process! (Here’s our webinar on the subject.)

But We Need Your Help!

  1. Please SIGN OUR PETITION to Sec. Becerra. – 
  2. Share Your Health Care Story
  3. And, join our Oct. 6th Day Of Action, either in DC or Virtually.
       – DC Event Registration –
       – Virtual Participation – 

Our goal is to deliver thousands of petitions to HHS Secretary Becerra’s office, along with hundreds of stories of real people struggling to afford their medications, and urge the Biden Administration to utilize March-in-Rights to relax patent exclusivity and increase competition, which would in turn increase supply and reduce core costs. This would mean big savings for patients, Medicare, Medicaid, insurance providers, hospitals and pharmacies, especially our disappearing independently owned pharmacies. This would make medications more affordable, at their root.

Help us to reach Sec. Becerra with your signatures and your health care stories, to drive home the urgent need of millions of people across the country. We must put #PatientsOverProfits and #MakeMedsAffordable NOW!

If you live near Charleston and are interested in riding with us to DC the morning of Oct. 6th, we still have a few seats available in our van! Feel free to contact me directly.




Eve Marcum-Atkinson
Communications Coordinator & Office Administrator
WV Citizen Action

Thank you for taking action with West Virginia Citizen Action!

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