TAKE ACTION: Protect Abortion Access in West Virginia!

As you probably know, last week Govenor Justice called a special session to make cuts to the state’s personal income tax. Yesterday, the Governor amended the call to include abortion and lawmakers are moving quickly to completely ban abortion in West Virginia.

Here’s the latest from our friends from Planned Parenthood along with actions you can take: 

[Yesterday] state house lawmakers introduced and advanced a bill that would completely ban abortion in the Mountain state. They are fast-tracking the bill to make sure it passes by the end of the week. We need to act NOW.

We will not sit back while legislators attempt to take away our personal freedoms. We need to raise our voices, show out, and make sure our elected officials know that West Virginians do NOT want them to ban abortion.

Here’s how you can take action:

  • Join us at the public hearing on Wednesday, July 27. The hearing starts at 9:00 a.m. If you’d like to sign up to speak, arrive at the Capitol by 8:00 a.m. Click here to get more info and RSVP.
  • Call your legislator. Calling is the most effective method of contacting legislators. Not sure who represents you or how to contact them? Click here to look up your state legislators and get a sample script of what to say.
  • Send an email to your elected officials and tell them to vote “no” on abortion bans. Click here to send an email.

This is an all-hands-on-deck moment like we have never seen before. We won’t back down and we won’t stop fighting to ensure our ability to decide if, when, and how we become parents is protected.

Are you with us?

Alisa Clements
Director of Public Affairs

Emily Womeldorff
Advocacy Campaigns Director

P.S. This abortion ban will be moving quickly [and will be up for a final vote in the House] tomorrow [Wednesday]. Get live updates on Twitter @PPSATWV.

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