Tell Governor Justice to Veto HB 5105

Saturday, the House passed HB 5105. It now heads to the Governor’s desk.

Vaccinations Save Lives, and that is why we are very concerned about HB 5105. In a time when states all around us have loosened vaccination requirements, and are seeing measles outbreaks, some legislators in West Virginia seem to want to follow them down that dangerous road. This bill would allow for exemptions for children who attend public school virtually and “allow the state’s 143 private or parochial schools to develop their own rules for vaccines”.

This would create pockets of schools with low vaccination rates and increasing the likelihood for disease outbreaks. Administrators at these schools would have no knowledge of their students immunization status making outbreak response very challenging. 


SAMPLE SCRIPT courtesy of The Center for Rural Health Development

Subject Line:  VETO HB 5105

Dear Honorable Governor Justice,

I am emailing to ask you to veto House Bill 5105.   

HB 5105 will remove the immunization requirements for private and parochial schools creating pockets of schools with low vaccination rates and increasing the likelihood for disease outbreaks. Administrators at these schools would have no knowledge of their students immunization status making outbreak response very challenging.   

Private and parochial school students deserve the same health and safety precautions as public students. The private and parochial school students, virtual school students, and their communities will be at risk for the return of dangerous, yet preventable diseases which are just a car or a plane ride away. Measles is circulating in 17 states, including most of our neighboring states. Our strong vaccination policies have protected West Virginia from outbreaks of measles. Please do not put out the welcome mat for the return of preventable disease.   

West Virginia has been a national leader in school immunization requirements. We want to keep it that way. We ask that you do not jeopardize the health and safety of our children and communities by weakening West Virginia’s childcare and school immunization requirements.

We ask that you VETO  HB 5105.