The Truth about Medicare “Advantage”

Are you or your loved ones considering a Medicare Advantage plan? Before you decide, come chat with us at our next healthcare meetup.

Date: Wednesday, September 11

Time: 7 pm

Location: Zoom – Please Register Here!

We’re cutting through the noise about the so-called “Advantage” plans. Big insurance is raking in billions, while patients and hospitals feel the squeeze.

Our Speakers:

  • Dr. Daniel Doyle, Physicians for a National Health Program, WV Chapter
  • Jenn Coffey, Patient advocate for traditional Medicare

They’ll break down how Medicare Advantage falls short and what that means for your healthcare.

Got questions? Bring ’em! We’ll have a Q&A session to tackle your Medicare concerns. Register here today.

The more you know, the better you can choose. We hope to see you there.

Sign me up! 

Stay Informed: Our healthcare meeting is on the second Wednesday of every month. We will discuss various healthcare topics that matter to you.

Tomorrow, Saturday Sept. 7, we will be in Charleston! Learn more about the Annual Westside Community Health Fair hereFree and open to the public. Organizations and vendors will be providing a wide range of services for the community such as: Blood pressure tests, flu shots, HIV testing, low-cost mammograms and kid’s activities, including a climbing wall and a mobile gaming truck (and Batman is rumored to attend??!!)

Live in or around Huntington? See us In-Person on Sept. 16: Join us at the Cabell County Public Library, 455 9th Street, Huntington, WV, on September 16, from 5:30 – 7 pm. Register here! Dr. Daniel Doyle, with Physicians for a National Health Program – WV Chapter, will be on hand to discuss how Medicare works and how the different programs do or do not benefit patient care. Knowledge is power – especially when it comes to your health care!

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