URGENT- TODAY! Diabetes copay caps bill HB 4252

From our Health Care for All WV coalition partners:


Hi Colleagues, 

HB 4252 – the insulin, supplies and devices copay caps bill – was tabled by the Senate Finance Committee late yesterday afternoon. 🚨 UGENT ACTION🚨 – https://p2a.co/oGGn9LH

We are working on finding out what happened as we were hearing lots of support from the Committee members.

PLEASE call Senate President Craig Blair (R-Berkeley-15) to express support for HB 4252.  

Emails help but phone calls are better!  It is likely you will be leaving a message on voicemail.


(304) 357-7801

And USE THIS FORM to email everyone in the Senate Finance Committee: https://p2a.co/oGGn9LH

We don’t want to end the session on Saturday without passing this bill.


Suggested talking points:

– Please support HB 4252, which will help West Virginians stay healthy, save lives, and save our state health care system money.

– As a West Virginian, I am writing to urge you to vote to pass HB 4252 in the Senate.  This bill will help control costs for West Virginians with Diabetes.  

– Republicans and Democrats came together to pass this bill in the House.  

– I hope the Senate will do the same. All agree that when a person with diabetes can afford to monitor and regulate their sugar levels, they can stay healthy, avoid more expensive health problems, and are better able to work.


PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD!  30 phone calls could change the political dynamic on this bill and get it across the finish line.

Remember that even if you work for the state, you can legally make calls as an individual to support this bill.


Thank you



Kathleen (Kat) D. Stoll, Esquire, MA, JD, LLM
Policy Director, West Virginians for Affordable Health Care
Principal, Kat Consulting – Health Policy & Economic Analysis