WV New Job’s Coalition Visioning Project: We’re Hiring!

WV New Job’s Coalition Visioning Project:
Assistant Project Director, Fellowship Opportunities & More

By: Carey Jo Grace

The newest addition to the WV New Jobs Coalition’s work is a series of meetings and one-on-one conversations to listen to regular West Virginians about their community’s needs, and their vision for the future of our state. 

Rather than assuming we know what people need, then presenting our solutions, we want to hear directly from residents. What are their individual stories? What are the everyday struggles people face? What would make their communities stronger? Are there federal or state resources and policy changes that can make a real difference in people’s everyday lives? 

In other words, the visioning project is about lifting the voices of community members and helping them to lead work in the place they call home.

We’re looking for a part-time Assistant Project Director to help lead the work: someone with solid experience in grassroots organizing – engaging volunteers, supporting leadership development and building strong partnerships that grow and deploy power to change policies, structures and culture. If that’s you, check out the full job description and how to apply.

WVNJC is also excited to announce three opportunities for anyone with strong ties to their local community through our Community Organizing Fellowship program. Our fellows will work directly with local people and organizations to build relationships, gather ideas about what individual communities’ needs are, and ways to get those needs addressed. One of the fellows will be based in the Boone/Logan/Mingo County area; the other two fellowships are flexible, based on where the strongest candidates live. Each is part-time, and our fellows receive a monthly stipend. Find out more here: Southern Organizing Fellowship  OR  Regional Organizing Fellowship

Community meetings and listening sessions will start in August. We always welcome volunteers to help with any of the WVNJC work. Or if your organization is interested in hosting an event, we have mini-grants available to cover the costs. Contact Carey Jo Grace careyjo@wvcag.org if you want to get involved.

[pdf-embedder url=”https://wvcag.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/WVNJC-Job-Announcement-Graphic.pdf” title=”WVNJC Job Announcement Graphic”]