Not so Fast Track!

no fast track
Call Congress today to oppose Fast Tracking the TPP (Trans Pacific Partnership treaty).


The TPP has been negotiated in total secrecy with lobbyists of the trans-national corporations and is much more than the simple “Free Trade” deal it’s being promoted as.

Congress is now being asked to give away its Constitutional mandate to fully consider and approve treaties by giving the president the power to demand an up or down vote on TPP with no amendments to this phone book sized proposal. What’s more, no one but the corporate lobbyists and negotiators has even completely seen the TPP agreement!

Please use this toll-free number- 1-888-966-9836- to contact your House member and ask them to vote NO on fast tracking TPP. Since they are all now Republicans here in WV you might also add that they shouldn’t give their treaty-making Constitutional power up to Obama!

This is not a partisan issue but a “government by the people” issue. We should not let multinational corporations without allegiance to the United States, or any other nations, set the agenda for these so called “Free Trade” treaties negotiated in secret, and then push through with a Fast Track process that limits free and open debate!

Call now and tell Congress, “Not so Fast Track!”

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