We need your help to reach our goal!

Citizen Action Group Action Alert
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WV CAG is gearing up for our Spring Fling fundraiser! The date is Friday, May 15 from 5:30 to 9 pm at the Charleston Woman’s Club. We will have a delicious catered meal, music by 600 lbs of Sin!, and time to honor the achievements of our award winners: the West Virginia Sustainable Business Council and Delegate Nancy Guthrie. A good time will be had by all!But, there’s a way you can help us now…Spring_Fling_Logo

and, now more than ever, is when we need your help!

I’m sure you experienced some of the same feelings we did after the 2014 elections- disappointment, anxiety, disgust- and, of course, things went from bad to worse during the following legislative session. So many bad bills were introduced, it was hard to keep up with them all!

Now is the time for us to really dig in and ramp up our efforts to reverse this attack on working families. Over the coming months we will be leading the efforts to engage voters and energize our progressive base. We will continue to protect clean water and our surface owners’ rights. And, we will be advocating at the Capitol on consumer issues and in stanch support of the civil justice system!

Could you make a personal commitment to help us reach our goal by becoming a sponsor for our fundraiser? Take a look at the levels below:

WVCAG - 2015 Reply Card
Thanks for considering a sponsorship; we appreciate your past and continued support!

P.S. We are also taking donations for our site at the East End Yard Sale (1563 Quarrier Street) and for our silent auction at the Spring Fling!

From the CAG Action Alert E-mail List
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