CAG Action Alert

Join the movement for a safe water system!

Citizen Action Group Action Alert
May 21, 2015 View / Comment Online Donate

Last Sunday, ratepayers rallied at WV American Water’s Treatment Plant to tell the company that we refuse to pay for their mistakes.Sunday’s action was just the beginning. The Public Service Commission has until late February 2016 to make its decision about WV American Water’s proposed 30% rate increase. In the meantime, we are continuing to build a strong movement that can challenge WV American Water and demand a safe water system.

Advocates training

We know that a safe water system won’t happen without active public involvement. Come to Advocates for a Safe Water System’s Orientation Training on Saturday May 30th to learn how you can get involved in strengthening the movement for a safe water system in the Kanawha Valley. The training will cover what a safe water system is, how WV American Water measures up, and the steps you can take to advocate for the changes we need.

Safe Water System Orientation Training

Saturday, May 30th
9am1pm (lunch provided)
Islamic Center (1 Valley Dr., South Charleston)
Sponsored by Advocates for a Safe Water System (

Facebook event 

It will take all of us to make a safe water system!

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