2016 Spring Fling: Purchase your tickets by 5/27

You are invited to an evening of fun with West Virginia Citizen Action Group and friends!  To reserve your seat(s), please purchase your ticket(s) or sponsorship by Friday, May 27th. You can also reserve your seat(s) by emailing ciera@wvcag.org and paying at the door.

Our awardees this year are Delegate Don Perdue for the Si Galperin In Defense of Democracy Award and Janet Keating for the Thomas A. Knight Excalibur Award.  Join us as we celebrate and honor them!

Purchase your ticket(s) or sponsorship today! Tickets range from $20-70; sponsorships range from $150-1,000.

The evening will include music by Robin Godfrey and Mark Cline Bates with The Carpenter Ants. There will be a delicious dinner, desserts, and a cash bar. We’ll also have a raffle auction, so bring cash to purchase tickets for a chance to win the items that catch your eye!

We hope to see you June 3rd!