33rd Annual Workers Memorial Ceremony – Facebook Live Event

The West Virginia AFL-CIO is inviting the press and public to view a Facebook Live event at noon Wednesday, April 28, to honor the 17 West Virginians lost on the job in 2020. During the 33rd annual Workers Memorial event, union leaders will read the names of West Virginia victims of workplace injury and illness, and vow to keep fighting for the promise of safe jobs for all workers.

“For the second time during this pandemic, the West Virginia AFL-CIO’s annual Workers Memorial ceremony will be held virtually to ensure all participants’ safety.” WV AFL-CIO President Josh Sword said. “The COVID-19 pandemic continues to highlight the direct link between workplace safety and the health of our communities. Now, more than ever, we should be reminded of the tremendous risk those in essential professions are facing and the need for stronger worker protections.”

On April 28, unions of the AFL-CIO throughout the country will observe Workers Memorial Day to remember those who have suffered and died on the job, and to call for action to make workplaces safe.

“We will continue to work tirelessly in hopes that one day no one is risking their life to make a living,” Sword said. “And until every workplace is 100 percent safe, we should take time to honor and remember those who were injured or lost.”

 WHAT:        33rd Annual Workers Memorial Ceremony   

WHEN:         Noon, Wednesday, April 28, 2021

WHERE:       Facebook.com/westvirginia.aflcio


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