April 21, 2021
Honorable Members
United States Senate
United States House of Representatives
Washington, DC 20510
Dear Representative or Senator,
We are writing on behalf of 43 undersigned organizations to urge you to co-sponsor the
Tax on Wall Street Speculation Act of 2021 being introduced by Sen. Bernie Sanders
(I-Vt) and Rep. Barbara Lee (D-Calif.). In this time of great suffering in our nation as
communities are fighting yet another surge of the COVID-19 pandemic, businesses are
shuttered, and high levels of unemployment are being experienced, billionaires and
Wall Street have continued to rake in outrageous levels of profit. By levying a small
sales tax on Wall Street trades, the U.S. could begin to address income inequality and
ensure Wall Street and the wealthy pay their fair share… (Read More below)
[pdf-embedder url=”https://wvcag.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Tax-on-Wall-Street-Speculation-Act-endorsement-letter.FINAL_.pdf” title=”2021 Tax on Wall Street Speculation Act endorsement letter.FINAL”]