Sign On Letters

WV CAG has signed the following advocacy letters:

34 posts found, showing 20 per page

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Advocacy Letter CAG October 16, 2023
Letter to HHS and Commerce Urging Interagency Review of March-In-Rights To Lower Drug Prices
Organizations representing patients, consumers, health care providers implore the Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Commerce to advance without delay the interagency review of march-in authority announced by their departments earlier this year. More
Issues: Healthcare
Advocacy Letter CAG September 28, 2023
Letter to Biden Administration Showing Our Support on Rx Price Negotiations
The newly created Medicare drug negotiation program is poised to finally address the high and rising cost of prescription drugs, so it is not surprising that it is overwhelmingly popular – with two in three Americans supporting Medicare’s authority to negotiate drug prices charged by big drug companies... More
Issues: Civil RightsEconomyHealthcare
Advocacy Letter CAG September 18, 2023
Letter to HELP Committee asking for Claims Denials Hearing
We request the HELP Committee hold a hearing on the practice of denial by private insurance and the impact denials have on people in need. More
Issues: DemocracyHealthcare
Advocacy Letter CAG July 18, 2023
WV CAG & WV Citizens for Clean Elections Support the Freedom to Vote Act
WV CAG and WV Citizens for Clean Elections joined other members of the Declaration for American Democracy Coalition in sending letters of support to our to our House allies in support of the Freedom to Vote Act (FTVA) and in opposition to the "American Confidence in Elections" (ACE) Act. You can read our letter below ahead of the FTVA's reintroduction. To fortify free and fair elections and help get big, secret money out of politics, Congress must pass the Freedom to Vote Act. More
Issues: Civil RightsDemocracy
Advocacy Letter CAG May 2, 2023
Letter Calling on Biden Administration to End Price Gouging & Provide Relief to Cancer Patients
WV CAG joined other consumer protection and health care advocacy organizations in signing a letter of support calling on the Biden Administration to remedy the outrageous price discrimination against US residents by Astellas and provide relief from the high prices for the prostate cancer drug enzalutamide (brand name Xtandi). Astellas and Pfizer have failed to make the drug “available to the public on reasonable terms,” subjecting cancer patients and everyone else who pays for drug reimbursements, to highly objectionable discriminatory price gouging. More
Issues: Civil RightsFamiliesHealthcare
Advocacy Letter CAG December 1, 2022
Letter to Support the Mainstreaming Addiction Treatment Act
If passed, the MAT Act would prevent overdoses, increase access to treatment, and allow doctors to prescribe emergency medications. More
Issues: Healthcare
Advocacy Letter CAG March 10, 2022
WVCAG Supports Tuesday Morning Group Budget Request for Allocation of American Rescue Plan Act Funds
West Virginia Citizen Action Group fully supports this proposal, and we urge you to approve the funding of these programs as requested. Thank you for your consideration. More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesCivil RightsEconomyFamiliesHealthcare
Advocacy Letter CAG October 19, 2020
CARES Act letter to Governor Justice
On March 27, the CARES Act was signed into law as part of Congress’ federal COVID response. The legislation contained Coronavirus Relief Funds (CRF) awarded to state and local governments. West Virginia received $1.25 billion. As of October 6, just under $1 billion of the state’s CRF still remains per the West Virginia Auditor’s Office. More
Issues: EconomyFamiliesHealthcare
Advocacy Letter CAG July 10, 2020
Economic Justice and Equity Fund Needed to Address Health & Economic Disparities
WV CAG and other organizations sent a letter of support for the Hope 20/20/20 Economic Justice & Equity Fund to Governor Justice and legislative leaders calling on them to make additional funding and resources available to address COVID-related and other health and economic disparities in African American and poor communities in West Virginia. More
Issues: Civil RightsEconomyFamiliesHealthcare
Wear Blue to show support for Child Abuse Awareness
Advocacy Letter CAG April 3, 2020
Groups Demand Support for Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention
WV-CAG and other local, state, and national organizations joined with the National Child Abuse Coalition to urge Congress to act swiftly to provide emergency funding for the prevention, intervention, and treatment of child abuse and neglect. More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesFamilies
Advocacy Letter CAG January 25, 2020
WV Criminal Justice Reform Coalition Urges Legislators to Support Comprehensive Package
Coalitions representing tens of thousands of West Virginians, including WV CAG, sent a letter to members of the WV Legislature urging them to support criminal justice reform. More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesCivil RightsFamilies
Advocacy Letter CAG February 12, 2019
Letter from Religious & Civic Leaders Opposing Anti-Immigrant Legislation
WV CAG joins West Virginia civic and religious leaders in standing against any laws that attack immigrants, who make our state a better place every day. We embrace the diversity immigrants bring to our state, and we reject any attempts to demonize or degrade immigrant communities in the Mountain State. We are alarmed by a by a rash of bills that have been introduced into the legislature this session targeting immigrants, and sent the following letter to House Speaker Roger Hanshaw to encourage him to do everything in his power to ensure that none of these outrageous attacks on our neighbors becomes law. More
Issues: Civil RightsFamilies
Banking reform
Advocacy Letter CAG May 21, 2018
Consumer, Civil Rights, Community Groups Oppose HR 4439 and Sham Rent-a-Bank Payday Lending
In a letter to the House Financial Service Committee, 120 consumer, civil rights, labor, community and legal services organizations including WV CAG voiced their opposition to HR 4439 (Hollingsworth), the so-called Modernizing Credit Opportunities Act. The bill would allow payday lenders to use the fine print of loan terms and sham rent-a-bank arrangements to make loans at 100% to 400% APR or higher in states where those rates are illegal. The bill would undercut the historic power of the states to protect people from dangerous, usurious loans. More
Issues: Civil RightsEconomyFamilies
Pair of hands holding up a Red, White, and Blue sign that reads "Healthcare for America NOW!"
Advocacy Letter   March 7, 2018
Letter to Senator Capito Regarding Short-Term Limited-Duration Policies
WV CAG joined other advocacy organizations in sending a letter to Senator Capito regarding short-term limited-duration policies and their impact on insurance coverage, premiums, and federal spending. According to a report by the Urban Institute, as a result of repealing the individual mandate and expanding access to these so-called “short-term” plans, premiums will increase, and millions of people will lose access to comprehensive coverage, or lose coverage altogether. West Virginians cannot afford this scheme. We need Senator Capito to stand up for our state and stop the never-ending war on health care. More
Issues: Healthcare
MCHM tanks
Advocacy Letter CAG January 12, 2018
Requesting Legislature Consider Recommendations of the Public Water System Supply Study Commission
Following the water crisis of 2014, the Legislature established the Public Water System Supply Study Commission to provide annual recommendations to protect the state’s drinking water supplies. WV CAG joined allies in urging the Legislature to give the Commission's 2017 report and its recommendations ample consideration in the interest of advancing public policy protective of public health.  More
Issues: EnvironmentFamilies
Advocacy Letter CAG October 31, 2017
Letter of Concern to FBI Regarding Assessment Targeting “Black Identity Extremists”
An FBI intelligence assessment was recently leaked that singled out "Black Identity Extremists" as a likely threat to attack law enforcement officers. Given the FBI's history of survelling and harassing African American leaders, and the reality that white supremacy constitutes a much greater threat, this assessment raises serious concerns. More
Issues: Civil RightsDemocracyFamilies
Advocacy Letter CAG October 25, 2017
Letter to Governor Justice Regarding DEP Review of Water Quality Effects of Proposed Pipelines
WV CAG is one of twenty citizen groups urging Gov. Jim Justice to ensure that the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection performs a complete review of the water quality effects of the proposed Mountain Valley Pipeline and Atlantic Coast Pipeline. More
Issues: EconomyEnergyEnvironment
Advocacy Letter CAG October 16, 2017
EPA Funding Letter to Senators Capito and Manchin
WV CAG joined other West Virginia organizations in urging our Senators to support the continuation of the 2017 appropriations for key EPA programs that help West Virginia’s rivers and streams. More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesEnvironment
Advocacy Letter CAG October 12, 2017
Comments on Proposed Modification of Consent Decree Regarding Bayer CropScience Plant Explosion
Letter to the U.S. Department of Justice about an administration effort to cut Bayer’s payments under a federal settlement with the DOJ and the Environmental Protection Agency to resolve safety violations cited in a 2008 explosion at its plant in Institute. More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesCivil RightsEnvironmentFamilies
Category A - Drinking Water
Advocacy Letter CAG October 10, 2017
Public Comment on WVDEP’s Rules with Federal Counterparts
We joined WV Rivers Coalition and other organizations in submitting comments on the WVDEP's rules with federal counterparts. More
Issues: EnergyEnvironment
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