Capital Eye Newsletter

Recent Newsletters  (Newsletters from 2001-January 2014 are available in the html archive)

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Newsletter CAG October 16, 2024
Capital Eye Vol. 17 No. 11: Education, Action, Civic Engagement
Dive into our latest newsletter to discover more about our initiatives and ways to volunteer or get involved. Together, we can create the change our communities need. More
Issues: DemocracyEnvironmentHealthcare
Newsletter CAG September 19, 2024
Capital Eye Vol. 17 No. 10: Organizing for Our Future
As WV Citizen Action approaches its 50th anniversary, we're busier than ever. Our recent Care Over Cost campaign highlights our ongoing commitment to health care justice. We're also launching an 'Organizing Revival' to tackle pressing community issues. As the 'Citizen' in Citizen Action, your support is crucial in this pivotal time. Together, we can create the change our communities need. More
Issues: DemocracyEnvironmentHealthcare
Newsletter CAG June 28, 2024
Capital Eye Vol. 17 No. 9
We’re celebrating the Mountain State by rallying West Virginians to join us in strengthening, invigorating, and empowering our communities. Dive into our latest newsletter to discover more about our initiatives and ways to volunteer or get involved. More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesEnvironmentHealthcare
Newsletter CAG March 18, 2024
Capital Eye Vol. 17 No. 8
A short list of the worst to fail includes the Women’s Bill of Wrongs; the Lock Up the Librarians/book banning bill; as well as the timbering in state parks, anti-carbon offset agreements, anti-air monitoring and welfare for Diversified Energy bills. More
Newsletter CAG March 3, 2024
Capital Eye Vol. 17 No. 7
Of the nearly 2,600 bills introduced, only those which have passed either the House or the Senate are still in play. More
Newsletter CAG February 22, 2024
Capital Eye Vol. 17 No. 6
This session has seen a slew of bad ideas. Everything from arming teachers in the classroom, to allowing child labor, & jailing librarians. More
Newsletter   February 15, 2024
Capital Eye Vol. 17 No. 5
Last week we passed the halfway mark. Tuesday, Feb. 13th, and Monday, Feb. 19th, were/are the last days to introduce bills in the House and Senate respectively. We know it’s challenging to follow session, but please keep up the good work making those calls to lawmakers on your high priority issues! More
Newsletter CAG February 8, 2024
Capital Eye Vol. 17 No. 4
We’re now in the 5th week of session and have reached the halfway mark (Day 30). The pace is accelerating. Committees’ agendas and floor sessions are growing longer. Wednesday, February 7th was Black Policy Day and we were there with many other groups tabling and showing support for the policies being supported by our communities of color as part of the Black Policy Agenda. With so much happening so fast, your calls and notes to legislators are needed every week, so please keep them coming and Tell Them What You Want! More
Issues: Civil RightsEnvironmentFamiliesHealthcare
Newsletter   January 31, 2024
Capital Eye Vol. 17 No. 3
Week four has seen the introduction of 1,388 bills in the House and 613 in the Senate as of today, Jan. 31, 2024. We’re talking with legislators all the time about bills we support and oppose, but when they hear from the voters back home, they really pay attention! This is where your actions as a citizen can make a difference! As you read through this update take a few minutes to send a personal note to your legislators on issues that resonate with you.  More
Newsletter   January 24, 2024
Capital Eye Vol. 17 No. 2
The Legislature is now in full swing and living up to its reputation as the ‘Bad Idea Factory’, as Delegate Mike Pushkin (D-Kanawha) often refers to it. On the bright side, the pace of new bills being introduced has slowed, but we are approaching 1,600. The break down is 1,055 House bills and 543 Senate bills. And it's not all bad — there are some good things happening, too — like the rescheduled ‘Save Our Solar’ Rally happening this Saturday, Jan. 27 at 2PM in the Lower Rotunda. More
Newsletter CAG January 18, 2024
Capital Eye Vol. 17, No. 1
Welcome to our weekly Legislative update. In it we can’t possibly cover all the more than 1,300 bills that have been introduced so far as of this writing, but we’ll endeavor to cover some of the highlights (and the lowlights) of the session. This update isn’t an armchair document, but a call to action! So read on and then take action! After all that’s what Citizen Action is all about! More
Newsletter CAG December 20, 2023
Capital Eye Vol. 16, No. 12: 2023 – What a Year!
Our multi-faceted approach to positive change is building momentum. Keep reading to find out more. More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesDemocracyEconomyEnvironmentFair taxationFamiliesHealthcareWorkers
Newsletter CAG October 25, 2023
Capital Eye Vol. 16, No. 11: Continuing the Fight for Democracy, the Environment and Health Care for All
Our October eNewsletter is out! WV Citizen Action and our many friends and partners have been hard at work this summer and fall. WVCAG's multi-faceted approach to positive change is building momentum. Keep reading to find out more. More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesCivil RightsDemocracyEnergyEnvironmentFair taxationFamiliesHealthcareWorkers
Newsletter CAG June 19, 2023
Capital Eye Vol. 16 No. 10: Truth and Consequences
WV CAG's June 2023 Newsletter is ready, and it’s available both in PRINT & to DOWNLOAD! More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesCivil RightsDemocracyEconomyEnergyEnvironmentFair taxationHealthcareWorkers
Newsletter CAG March 14, 2023
2023 Session Wrap-up
The 2023 Legislative Session ended over the weekend, and 332 bills were completed. It has been a rough one, with a lot of bad and some good done. Keep reading to find out more. And be sure to check our events calendar for more opportunities for learning and action. More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesDemocracyEconomyEnvironmentFair taxationFamiliesHealthcareWorkers
Newsletter CAG March 7, 2023
Legislative Update Week 8: Crossover Chaos
Crossover day last week saw a lot of the really terrible bills, and also many of the best we were hoping to move, hit the recycle bin. With only a few days left in the session, every call or email to our legislators, and our governor, is vitally important for the bills that remain.  More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesDemocracyEconomyEnvironmentFair taxationFamiliesHealthcareWorkers
Newsletter CAG February 28, 2023
Legislative Update Week 7: Crossover Day & Controversial Bills
Crossover day is this Wednesday. Several controversial bills are moving, along with a few good ones. Others remain stalled in committee. If you've not taken action yet, now is the time to make those calls and send those emails! More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesDemocracyEconomyEnvironmentFair taxationFamiliesHealthcareWorkers
Newsletter CAG February 21, 2023
Legislative Update Week 6: Tax Plan Will Put WV Underwater
Governor Justice, and our legislature, want WV to be like Kansas, with a budget so underwater our schools won't have the funds to operate. Suffice to say, there's a Lot going on under the dome. Keep reading to find out more about what's happening and how you can take action. More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesDemocracyEconomyEnvironmentFair taxationFamiliesHealthcareWorkers
Newsletter CAG February 14, 2023
Legislative Update Week 5: The Big Disconnect
Too many in the majority party controlling the Legislature right now are basically disconnected from real solutions needed to address many of the critical problems facing our state. Keep reading to find out more about what's happening under the dome and how you can take action. More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesDemocracyEconomyEnvironmentFair taxationFamiliesHealthcareWorkers
Newsletter CAG February 7, 2023
Legislative Update Week 4: Small Government?
The WV Legislature, dominated by the party of so-called ‘small government’, keeps inserting itself into the bedrooms and doctors offices of our citizens, most recently by The House banning all gender-affirming care for our transgender youth, despite vocal opposition... More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesDemocracyEconomyEnvironmentFair taxationFamiliesHealthcareWorkers
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