ACTION ALERT: Protect Public Services by Keeping the WV Income Tax; Citizens Guide to Online Advocacy

Contact Your Legislators!
Tell them to Protect Public Services
by Keeping the WV Income Tax.

Dear Friend,

West Virginia’s Income Tax is our fairest tax, ensuring that wealthier taxpayers pay their fair share and funding 43% of our state budget. Shifting more taxes onto low and middle income citizens is not fair – this is what efforts to reduce or eliminate the income tax will do – raise other taxes on low-income and middle-income families, and will result in cuts to public services that benefit all families and businesses.

One thing we have learned through this COVID-19 pandemic is the importance of fully funding vital public services like health care and education.

CLICK HERE to Contact your Legislators TODAY! 
Tell them to Protect the WV Income Tax as a source of revenue for our state, so that it can continue to fund education, Medicaid, and other vital public services.


Yours for Action,

Gary Zuckett
Executive Director
WV Citizen Action Group

PS: Check out this great resource for the 2021 WV Legislative Session: Citizens Guide to Online Advocacy, by Black by God The West Virginian.