WV CAG Action Alerts

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Recent Action Alerts  (Alerts from 2002-2014 are available in the archive vault)

684 posts found, showing 20 per page

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Action Alert CAG May 25, 2017
Potholes, A Budget for the People, and Grassroots Gatherings
Here are some important calls to action to address the increasingly urgent infrastructure crisis: a state budget that refuses to put our communities ahead of tax cuts for the wealthy. More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesCivil RightsEnvironmentHealthcare
Action Alert   May 1, 2017
Subject: Act NOW to Protect Healthcare: House May Vote on Zombie Trumpcare Wednesday
Zombie Trumpcare is back and it’s worse than ever! A newly amended version of the Republicans’ “American Healthcare Act” (AHCA/Trumpcare) is gathering momentum in the House of Representatives and word on the hill is that they are just a handful of votes short of securing passage. More
Issues: HCANHealthcare
Action Alert CAG April 28, 2017
Climate Marches TOMORROW, a Rally to Protect WV’s Budget Next Thursday
Tomorrow, April 29th, The People’s Climate March and its sister marches all across the country are happening! We have two rally and march events planned for our area, and for our friends in the eastern panhandle, the main event is just a couple hours away. Next Thursday, May 4th, we will rally inside the Capitol for a budget that protects West Virginia’s families from drastic budget cuts and tax increases on those of us least able to afford it. Read on for more on how you can participate, take action, and make your voices heard! More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesEconomyEnergyEnvironmentFamilies
Action AlertNewsletter CAG April 2, 2017
Crossover Chaos! – The Capitol Eye Legislative Update for April 2, 2017
As mentioned last week, Wednesday the 29th was crossover day so the legislature worked through last weekend, started early mornings, and met late into the evenings to get as many of their must pass bills over to the other side. One notable ‘hail-Mary’ passage of a bill was SB 386, the Medical Cannabis bill that was taken up in the final Judiciary meeting and passed out of the Senate during the last floor session. More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesEnvironmentFair taxationFamiliesHealthcareWorkers
Action Alert CAG March 31, 2017
More Ways to Take Action than You Can Shake a Stick At
As the War on Water continues, Medical Marijuana bill advances to the full House, and calls needed to House Judiciary to money in politics, consumer protections, and SNAP benefits. More
Issues: Civil RightsDemocracyEconomyEnvironmentFamiliesHealthcare
Action Alert   March 23, 2017
Vigils Outside Senator Capito’s Office, Friday March 24th
Join other activists all around West Virginia as we hold simultaneous vigils at all of Senator Capito’s state offices this Friday March 24th, 2017 from Noon to 1:00pm. At these somber vigils we will quietly implore the Senator to “Preserve Our Care!” We are asking Senator Capito to reject the House’s “American Health Care Act” and preserve our state’s healthcare. More
Issues: HCANHealthcare
Action Alert CAG March 22, 2017
Tell Lawmakers: Protect Consumers from Shady Car Dealers and Debt Collectors
Two-for-one special on actions you can take now to protect consumers in West Virginia! SB 556 and SB 563 are a pair of bills pending in the Senate Judiciary Committee that would gut the West Virginia Consumer Credit Protection Act (WVCCPA) and allow predatory debt collectors to run wild. The House Judiciary Committee is considering a bill (SB 216) that lets shady car dealers sell lemons without much risk of consequences, leaving buyers holding the bag. More
Issues: Civil RightsEconomyFamilies
Action AlertNewsletter CAG March 20, 2017
Capital Eye: This Week: The AHCA vs ACA
This week national events competed with the drama at the state capitol as the Republican’s American Health Care Act (AHCA) was released as a proposed replacement for the Affordable Care Act (ACA or ObamaCare). More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesCivil RightsEnergyEnvironmentFamiliesHealthcare
Action Alert   March 15, 2017
Town Halls on Healthcare this Week with Sen. Manchin
There are FIVE Emergency Town Halls being held this week in West Virginia! The Congressional Budget Office recently released a report that estimates the new ACA replacement bill would cut health care for 24 million families! Our representatives need to listen to us and stop this dangerous bill! These events are community-led, open to the public, and Senator Joe Manchin will be in attendance at four events. Join us in expressing our concerns about the ACA repeal. See a list of events and links for more information here. More
Issues: EventHCANHealthcare
Action Alert CAG March 1, 2017
Urgent action needed on SNAP & LEEP bills!
We're in the thick of legislative session! Bills are popping up left and right - some good, others bad. Your action is needed NOW. More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesDemocracyEconomyEnergyFamilies
Action Alert   February 17, 2017
Take action! Save the dates.
Join us at the Capitol or in Charleston for one of many lobby days, fundraisers, and other events! More
Issues: Event
Action Alert   February 10, 2017
WV CAG/WV CAEF is hiring! Apply today.
WV Citizen Action Group (WV CAG) and WV Citizen Action Education Fund (WV CAEF) is seeking an Outreach Coordinator. See position description, and apply today! More
Action Alert   February 8, 2017
Help make it clear to FirstEnergy: NO BAILOUT FROM WEST VIRGINIANS!​
West Virginians don’t want to bail out FirstEnergy Corp. and its shareholders, and we shouldn’t have to! More
Action Alert   February 6, 2017
Legislative Kick-off Blast!
Join the WV Environmental Council tomorrow at the world famous Empty Glass for their Annual Legislative Kick-Off Blast! More
Issues: Event
Action Alert   January 18, 2017
Become a citizen lobbyist!
We're excited to be bringing the annual Citizen Lobbyist Training to four locations across the state this month! Come learn about the legislative process, get tips on speaking with elected officials, and hear from local progressive organizations about issues they will be working on during the 2017 legislative session. More
Issues: Event
Action Alert   January 17, 2017
Women’s March in Charleston too!
Join us Saturday as we march in solidarity with the thousands of men and women gathering in DC and across the nation to reaffirm the core American values of freedom and democracy for all! More
Issues: Event
Action Alert   January 10, 2017
Shine a light on WV American Water
We deserve to know the full story of why our water system failed on January 9th, 2014 - and what needs to happen to prevent such a disaster from happening again. Make sure the Public Service Commission (PSC) hears that preventing another water crisis matters to you! More
Issues: EventWater
Action Alert   January 6, 2017
Raise revenue or make more cuts?
West Virginia is facing another budget crisis. This year's budget shortfall is expected to top $400 million. Our new governor and legislature will be faced with a decision: raise revenue or make further cuts to vital programs that aid students, the elderly, and people who work for low wages. It's time to stop the cuts and realize revenue must be part of the budget solution. More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesFair taxationInequalityKids and families
Action Alert   December 28, 2016
In the face of massive budget shortfalls and continued cuts, now is not the time to be silent. Join us in protecting the services we know our citizens value and use daily. More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesKids and families
Action Alert Ciera Pennington December 21, 2016
Are you with us?
We cannot do this work without your support. Are you with us? Become a member or renew your membership today! More
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