WV CAG Action Alerts

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Recent Action Alerts  (Alerts from 2002-2014 are available in the archive vault)

684 posts found, showing 20 per page

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Action Alert CAG March 21, 2019
Time is running out!
You can also call his office at 304.558.2000. Every email and phone call matters! More
Issues: DemocracyFamilies
Action Alert   March 20, 2019
Join WV CAG at the People’s Action Convention!
We're excited to invite YOU to be a part of the Second Annual People's Action Convention with us! The application to apply for a chance to attend with WV CAG staff, board members, and supporters is live now. Why should you apply? Click to read our top three reasons! More
Issues: EnvironmentEventHealthcareInequality
Action Alert   March 13, 2019
Veto of the Day: Ask Gov. Justice to veto HB 2010 & protect our foster care youth
HB 2010, if signed into law by Governor Justice, will make DHHR turn child welfare and foster care over to a managed care organization (MCO); meaning our government would experiment with the lives of our most vulnerable kids and families by making our state the only one in the country to give a combination of Medicaid and child welfare funds to an MCO. More
Issues: HealthcareKids and families
Action Alert   March 13, 2019
Veto of the Day: Tell Gov. Justice to Veto SB 543 & Keep Dangerous, Defective Vehicles off our Roads
When you buy a used car from a dealer, you expect it to be drivable. You also expect the dealer to disclose any problems with the vehicle because repairs could cost you thousands more. SB 543 changes that and allows the sale of "as is" cars. The law would also permit the sale of used, defective vehicles if the defects are "disclosed"--even though most consumers don't read the fine print--and the defects can be major ones that make the vehicle unsafe to drive. More
Issues: Families
Action Alert CAG March 11, 2019
Tell Gov. Justice to veto SB 622
SB 622 raises the current contribution limit to a candidate almost THREE times! WV needs election reform, not MORE BIG MONEY in elections. More
Issues: Democracy
Action Alert CAG March 6, 2019
Mid-Week Action Alert – Still Lots to Do!
With the 2019 legislative winding down, there's still lots to do! Here are several actions you can take. Please take a few minutes and make some calls, as the clock is ticking on these bills.  More
Issues: DemocracyFamiliesHealthcare
Action Alert CAG March 1, 2019
Citizen Action Needed to Stop Guns on Campus, Protect Our Water & More
This end of the week update that is time sensitive. Several bad bills made it past Crossover Day and need to be stopped ASAP, while one bill expanding Medicaid coverage needs some help to pass. Both the House and Senate will be in session tomorrow (Saturday) so lawmakers will be at the Capitol at least through the morning. So please take a few minutes to make some calls before you get on with your weekend chores. Thanks! More
Issues: Civil RightsDemocracyEconomyEnvironmentFamiliesHealthcare
Action Alert   February 14, 2019
Please call Senate President Mitch Carmichael at (304) 357-7801 and urge him to support the pro-jobs and pro-business Senate Bill 409 legalizing Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) for on-site renewable and alternative energy generation facilities in West Virginia. More
Issues: EnergyEnergy efficiency
Action Alert CAG February 10, 2019
House Holding Monday Public Hearings on Ominous Education Bill & Guns on Campus
On Monday, the House of Delegates will hold two public hearings on the Omnibus Education Bill (SB 451). The House Judiciary Committee is also holding a public hearing that day on the so-called "Campus Self Defense Act," which would would force colleges to allow people to, with some exceptions, carry concealed guns on college campuses and in buildings. More here on how to weigh in on these proposals and tune in to the action. More
Issues: Civil RightsFamiliesWorkers
Action Alert   January 14, 2019
Tell Sen. Capito: Stop Playing Politics with Our Lives!
Thousands of West Virginia families are feeling the pain of the government shutdown: federal employees who aren't able to work, those who are working without pay, small business owners who rely on federal services, kids and families who rely on temporary assistance, and many more. Tell Senator Capito to stop playing politics with our lives, and stand down on the border wall issue so that the government can get back to serving the people. More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesKids and familiesPovertySNAPWorkers
Water vigil
Action Alert   January 7, 2019
Join Us Tomorrow for an Evening of Reflection & Action on Water
On Tuesday, January 8, join WV CAG and partners on the eve of the fifth anniversary of the 2014 water crisis for an evening of reflection and action. The event will feature discussion on water justice, current water quality issues, and a candlelight vigil on the banks of the Kanawha River. The evening is free and light refreshments will be served. More
Issues: PollutionWater
Action Alert   December 29, 2018
Help WV CAG Support Community Organizing
During the 2018 election cycle, local grassroots citizen groups knocked on over 22,000 doors before the election, learning from community members about important issues and educating voters on issues important to Citizen Action and our members. Your support is critical in order to build on this success in the upcoming legislative session and in preparation for the 2020 elections. We're excited about the groundswell of energy and grassroots activism in West Virginia right now, and we have a plan to harness that energy and support community organizing around the state. Are you with us?  If so, renew your membership and/or send a donation to WV Citizen Action today! More
Action Alert   October 30, 2018
Make a Plan to Vote & Vote Early
Early voting is underway now through Saturday, November 3. It’s important to make sure you’re ready to vote. This means making sure you have your ID, informing yourself about the issues and candidates, and last but not least, getting yourself to the polls. Use our election app to make a plan to vote and vote early. Can't vote early? Election Day is Tuesday, November 6. More
Issues: Budget PrioritiesElectionsFair CourtsHealthcareVoting
Action Alert   October 16, 2018
Be Registered & Be Ready: Voter Registration Deadline is Today
Today is the deadline to register to in the upcoming election. With many important races on the ballot this year, it’s important to make sure you’re registered to vote and ready to vote. Check your status and/or register today. Don't miss a chance to make your voice heard in November.   More
Issues: ElectionsVotingVoting Rights
Action Alert CAG October 12, 2018
October Events You Don’t Want to Miss
There are several upcoming events in Charleston that offer an opportunity to engage with other folks who are exploring ways to respond to climate change, how to achieve health care for all, and common sense solutions to fight the influence of big money in politics. There are also chances to learn more about and hear directly from the candidates in key races this election (see details here). More
Issues: Civil RightsDemocracyEnergyHealthcare
Action Alert CAG October 5, 2018
Last Chance to Stop Kavanaugh – Call Now
Unfortunately, Brett Kavanaugh just got closer to confirmation. Earlier today, the Senate voted 51-49 to advance Kavanaugh's nomination to a final vote. Senator Joe Manchin was among those who voted to advance the nomination, but that doesn't mean the fight is over. He and other Senators who voted 'Yes' on this procedural vote could still vote 'NO' in the end. Please call Senator Manchin and tell him to vote NO on Kavanaugh before it's too late - (202)-224-3954. For the sake of every survivor, and for everyone of us who will be harmed by the anti-democratic decisions he will make if he gets a lifetime appointment to the court, we must continue to make our voices heard.  More
Issues: Civil RightsEconomyEnvironmentFamiliesHealthcareWorkers
Action Alert CAG September 29, 2018
West Virginians Must Stop Kavanaugh & Protect Our Care
Now that the Senate has agreed to let the FBI investigate sexual abuse claims against Kavanaugh, there is still time to contact Sen. Manchin and tell him to ‘Just Vote No, JOE’ on the lifetime appointment to the US Supreme Court. Even if cleared by the FBI (and we believe the women) Kavanaugh is still dangerous to our health care. More
Issues: Civil RightsFamiliesHealthcare
Action Alert CAG September 4, 2018
Take Action to Save Our Courts
There's still time to make your voice heard. Senator Joe Manchin is continuing to solicit thoughts and concerns as he evaluates Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh ahead of a vote by the full Senate. While Kavanaugh's confirmation will push SCOTUS further to the right, it is quite possible that at the state level a single party, through a pre-planned partisan impeachment process, will seize control of the WV Supreme Court of Appeals for the next 2 years. Take action to save our courts, and if you're in the Charleston area, join us for a community conversation about the Supreme Court impeachments why they matter, and how they affect West Virginians. More
Issues: Civil RightsDemocracyHealthcare
Action Alert   August 2, 2018
Help Families Reunite; Denounce Mayor Jones’ Scare Tactics
This weekend, People's Action affiliates around the country, including WV CAG, and their supporters will be hosting Families Belong Together Community Cookouts to bring together friends, family and neighbors to raise money and help migrant families get out of detention and reunited with their children. We're also asking Charleston residents to join us in urging mayoral candidates to publicly denounce Mayor Jones’s scare tactics, and pledge to engage in open dialogue about our drug epidemic. More
Issues: HealthcareKids and families
Action Alert CAG August 2, 2018
West Virginians Must Stop Kavanaugh & Protect Our Care
Nearly 800,000 West Virginians and their families will be directly affected if the GOP latest attack on the Affordable Care Act succeeds in court. We must come together and let Senator Manchin know we're counting on him to continue to protect our care. Too much is at stake. Please contact Senator Manchin today and urge him to oppose Brett Kavanaugh's nomination.    More
Issues: Civil RightsFamiliesHealthcare
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