August 1st is Poll Worker Recruitment Day

Every voter should be able to easily and efficiently cast their vote – whether during the primary season or in November’s general election. And yet, so often that experience is not what happens.

That’s why it’s so important that poll workers are identified early and often to help make sure everyone’s vote is easily cast. August 1 is Poll Worker Recruitment Day – and to prepare for November 2024, we’re helping find people in communities around the country to be part of making sure election sites run smoothly.

Poll workers are critical to help maintain safe and accessible in-person voting for communities without reliable access to mail service, voters with disabilities, voters who need language assistance, or for voters who simply want to cast their ballot in person as they always have.

It’s a major presidential election year and election administrators need poll workers who are committed to ensuring safe, fair, and free elections for all voters. Join us as we push for poll workers on August 1, and learn how you can get involved now.

Sign up here:

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