-From Dr. Shanequa Smith-
Dear friends,
Thank you for your interest and support in Black Policy Day!
More than 300 students, Sorority sisters, movers, shakers and policy makers gathered at the Capitol to educate and celebrate each other. Check out the media coverage and pictures from the event below, and save the date for next year’s Black Policy Day: February 7, 2024.
Together, we are building our civic knowledge.
Black Policy Day in the news:
NAACP live stream of lunch: https://www.facebook.com/NAACPWV/videos/964988437736193
Headshots: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1UO5P2C0axllJVtbDxXT8Eq2iW_pHYLOD
Misc. Phone pics: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1LLKoI7vjbSZxn75h_NlDAkix98MjjGxN?usp=sharing
Finally, here is one of several dozen reflections made by a students who attended Black Policy Day:
“The trip to the capital was an amazing experience. I sadly was not able to speak to a legislature as it was packed and was a short burst of time to speak to them. I got the opportunity to listen to information on subjects such as diversity, race, gender, sex, and religion. I was also further informed on safe sex and plan B. We were able to listen to laws being discussed by the House, and had an amazing lunch with amazing speakers educating us as we ate. It was a great time and I learned a lot!”