CAG/CAEF Awards Picnic – Aug 26th, 6PM

CAG/CAEF Awards Picnic – Get Your Tickets Now!

On August 26th, at 6PM, WV Citizen Action and Citizen Action Education Fund will return to bringing people together (albeit outside in the park) to have an evening picnic and recognize several individuals for their contributions to the progressive movement in our state. Details on awardees are still in process, however, many of the details are confirmed: 

  • Location: Coonskin Park (just outside of Charleston), Riverside Pavilion
  • Music: Courtesy of the trio,  Hill, Solomon & Carter – names that many of you recognize and have heard in various bands over the years! 
  • Food: Traditional picnic fare with both meat and veggie burgers and dogs
  • Fun: outdoor location with play equipment for kids and walking trails
  • Awards: Short program to recognize several folks for their outstanding work for progress

Ticket prices are suggested donations of $50/person or $25 for students and low-income individuals – pay what you can afford online here ( or if you prefer, send a check to WV-CAG, 1500 Dixie St. Charleston WV 25311. If you know you’re attending, please purchase your ticket(s) ahead of time so we know how many folks we’re feeding!

Even if you can’t attend, please consider logging onto and make a donation to support the work. This is a critical time for our state and nation and we need all the resources we can muster to win! Thanks ahead of time for your support!