CAG Welcomes New Team Member Morgan King

By Morgan King, WV CAG Climate and Energy Program Manager

Hi! I’m Morgan, and I’m so excited to join the team at CAG focused on climate and energy. I’ll be working on a range of issues affecting West Virginian communities, like petrochemicals, hydrogen, CCUS, community air monitoring, and more! My academic and professional background centers around improving access to clean water and energy and ensuring a just transition to address the climate emergency. I recently wrote an op-ed on the Appalachian Hydrogen Hub, which you can read here.  

Previously, I worked as the West Virginia organizer for the Climate Reality Project and the climate coordinator for the West Virginia Rivers Coalition. Last summer, I participated in the carbon removal justice fellowship hosted by American University and the National Wildlife Federation, which aimed to center environmental justice on carbon removal policy.

Born and raised in Charleston, West Virginia, I moved back home after living away for a few years post-college. I studied civil engineering with a focus on water quality and resources at West Virginia University before moving abroad to Spain and England for Fulbright and Marshall Scholarships. In England I earned masters degrees in environmental systems engineering and public policy. My international experiences broadened my worldview and taught me the importance of global citizenship through local action, ultimately leading me back to my hometown. 

We cannot achieve climate justice or a just transition with only technological solutions — community needs must be prioritized. Through engineering and policy work, it became clear to me that organizing is the critical path forward to protecting our communities, mitigating climate change, and adapting to climate disasters. I am eager to continue organizing in my beloved home state and fight for a life-giving climate future for Appalachia.

When not working, I love traveling West Virginia and the world, spending time outdoors, and reading new books. Feel free to reach out to me at to chat, collaborate, or connect!

2 thoughts on “CAG Welcomes New Team Member Morgan King”

  1. Bravo Morgan, Bravo CAG, this is a great match and look forward to the future of CAG in WV doing more and more for democracy and inclusion than any other organization in our state.

  2. Bravo: commitment and passion only go partway without expertise. Sounds as if you have both.

    We need your educated view to prevent further environmental degradation by the coal, oil and gas political abd corporate forces which have dominated the state for so long.

    Welcome home; best to your family.

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