Candlelight Vigil/Rally at Sen. Manchin’s Office

Candlelight Vigil/Rally at Sen. Manchin’s Office – 4PM Today, Charleston, WV
We Need You! Please join us TODAY at 4PM!
Senator Manchin’s decision to be against the Build Back Better legislation blindsided everyone.
His decision leaves in doubt the fate of the climate crisis, continued child tax credits, increased health insurance benefits, and a whole lot more.
I know of no better way to send a clear message to Senator Manchin that you disagree with his decision than by coming to a rally and candle light vigil today at 4 pm TODAY at Senator Manchin’s Charleston office (900 Pennsylvania Avenue).
This is so important, I’m asking you to not only come, but also asking you to forward this email to anyone who might be interested in attending the rally and candle light vigil. To paraphrase Winston Churchill: We fight in the street. We will fight at the ballot box. We will never give up.”
If you can’t come, CALL Manchin via or dial 202-224-3954.
We hope to see you this afternoon.
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