Capital Eye Vol. 11 No. 4

West Virginia Citizen Action Group
Capital Eye
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Week Four of the 2018 legislative session was a wild week, with President Trump and the GOP at the Greenbrier (we visited, too!), and teachers rallying at the Capitol for better pay and fixes for PEIA. While all this was happening the Senate passed a bill that gives West Virginians the option of attending community and technical colleges for free, and advanced proposals creating an Intermediate Court of Appeals, and a judicial budget constitutional amendment.

In the House, several bills pending in the House Judiciary Committee are or are likely to be the subject of public hearings this week. Keep reading for details and actions you can take.

We hope you can join us for All Kinds are Welcome Here Civil Liberties Lobby Day on Thursday, February 8 and other events at the Capitol this week. We also hope you’ll take advantage of the upcoming Your Voice WV: Citizen Lobbyist trainings if one is planned for your area. This week trainings are happening in Parkersburg (tomorrow, February 5) and Shepherdstown (Tuesday, February 6). See our Facebook events page for more details on these and other upcoming trainings and events. 

Finally, for a fight the will last beyond the 2018 legislative session, please consider joining us in the movement for Medicare for All. 

Yours for Action,


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