Capital Eye Vol. 13 No. 2: Insulin, Guns, & Democracy

Welcome back to Week 2! We know you have a life and can’t track everything that happens during legislative session, so let us help.  Stay up-to-date each week on what’s happening under the dome by watching for our weekly Capital Eye e-blast and following us on Facebook and Twitter!  Encourage your friends to stay-up-to-date, too, by signing up for our emails (you can also use this form to update your email interests).  

Click on the articles below to see what’s been happening since we touched base last Wednesday.  Happy reading!  

P.S. Bookmark our events page to keep track of upcoming events!

Week Two with Two Marches
The legislative session is building momentum but still has a month to the frantic deadlines for bills to crossover to the other house or die. So far 988 House bills and 594 in the Senate have been introduced. As mentioned last time, blessedly the majority won’t make the crossover, or even make a committee agenda.
Tagged: Civil RightsEnvironmentHealthcare
Post-Citizens United, We Can Make Democracy Healthy Again
Tuesday marks ten years since the US Supreme Court issued its decision in Citizens United v. the FEC. In the case, the Court ruled that corporations and other outside groups could not be restricted from spending money on elections. This led to the creation and growth of super PACs and the rise of dark money spending, increasing the power of the wealthiest donors and special interests to influence our elections.
Tagged: Civil RightsDemocracy
The Curious Case of Frederick County Virginia
You may have read or heard about the WV Senate passing a resolution inviting Frederick County, VA to become part of West Virginia. The resolution’s sponsor, Sen. Charles Trump, R-Morgan, said the idea is rooted in history that predates West Virginia entering the union. So why wasn’t Frederick County included in the state of West Virginia when the new state was formed?


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