Capital Eye Vol. 14 No. 4: 2021 – Week 5 of WV Legislative Session

This is Week 5 of the WV Legislative Session. Stay up-to-date on what’s happening under the dome by watching for our Capital Eye e-blast and following us on Facebook and Twitter!  Encourage your friends to stay-up-to-date, too, by signing up for our emails (you can also use this form to update your email interests).  

Click on the articles below to see what’s been happening.

Bookmark our events page to keep track of upcoming events! Also, here are some additional actions you can take.

If you find this newsletter informative and valuable, please join us by becoming a supporting member of Citizen Action!

PS: Thank You for Your Support!

We work extra hard during the session to make sure our supporters have the information and contacts they need to make WV a better place for everyone. This means longer hours and more expenses for staff and materials. In addition to your policy support, your financial support is also essential. Since this Capital Eye Update goes out to everyone, we’re hoping that everyone will pitch in with a membership contribution. Thanks in advance for your support!

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