Capital Eye Vol. 16, No. 1 – Legislative Update Week 1: What’s the Rush?

The legislative session started out with a BANG on day one as the Senate leadership promptly used their super majority to suspend the rules, ram through 23 bills and send them to the House. The House is moving mostly at the normal pace, but their Finance committee pulled a fast one on Thursday and added the governor’s 50% personal income tax cut to their agenda at the last minute and passed it out to the floor. Keep reading for more on the big things that happened during the first week of the 2023 legislative, along with actions you can take, and resources for staying up to date. Also, be sure to check our events calendar for opportunities for learning and action. 

All our efforts to keep WV clean and green and deal with climate, health care, and justice issues are fueled both by our energy and passion, and your contributions of ‘green energy’ in the form of  membership dues and tax-deductible donations to our WV Citizen Action Education Fund.

Thank YOU to all who’ve already renewed their memberships and made end-of-year contributions of your green energy for our green energy policy efforts, and more!

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