Legislative Update Week 3: It’s About to Get Ugly

Everyone agrees we have a gun violence problem in our nation. What we disagree on is the solution. One side wants to make it harder to acquire firearms and ban assault style weapons. The other wants to arm more ‘good guys’ to engage in shootouts when a gunman shows up at one of our schools or colleges. This second option is what’s moving in our legislature right now at both the K-12 and college level. 

In addition to guns in schools, the legislature is taking action on a number of other controversial issues that in a sane and rational world wouldn’t be taking up time better spent addressing real issues affecting our state. 

Keep reading for more on what is, or isn’t happening, as the case may be, under the dome along with actions you can take, and be sure to check our events calendar for opportunities for learning and action in the coming days and weeks. 

In addition to getting this weekly update, there are lots of resources for keeping up on the daily hijinks at the ‘Bad Idea Factory’ (as Delegate Pushkin often calls it). Here is a short list:

And speaking of resources, remember, Citizen Action depends on YOU!

You are the Action in Citizen Action! As you read this update, please take some time to reach out to lawmakers on the issues that resonate with you. Democracy is more than just voting every election. Even if our preferred candidates didn’t win, we must engage with those who did to make our voices heard. Even if our lawmakers often make choices we disagree with, they still need to hear other perspectives and positions. Thank you for being an active citizen and sharing your thoughts, expertise and solutions to problems and challenges facing our state. One other way you can be active is with a supporting membership to WV Citizen Action. Please keep those renewals and new memberships coming in! Thanks, again, for your support.

It’s About to Get Ugly, Very Ugly
The Anti-Racism Act of 2023, HB 2007 banning physicians from providing gender-affirming surgery to minors, SB 59 cutting the number of weeks that laid off workers are eligible for unemployment, Bills SB 158 and HB 3018 that would to End Child Marriage, misuse of ARPA funds and more.
Tagged: Civil RightsEconomyFamiliesWorkers
Guns in Schools
The WV Legislature's solution to gun violence: arm more ‘good guys’ to engage in shootouts when a gunman shows up at one of our schools or colleges.
Tagged: Civil RightsFamilies
Leading for Justice: Updates from the Capitol
With the legislative session in full swing, here is a brief rundown of bills that we and American Friends Service Committee are watching.
Tagged: Budget PrioritiesCivil RightsDemocracyFamilies
Climate Eye Week 3
E-Day at the Capitol on Feb. 28th, PFAS Protection Act, methane emissions, orphaned wells and more!
Tagged: Budget PrioritiesEconomyEnvironmentFamilies
Health Care Week 3
Take Action to help us make this the year that diabetics in WV get relief from the cruel and unfair cost of their insulin and supplies, support the Affordable Medicaid Buy-In, and expand dental coverage for adults.
Tagged: Budget PrioritiesFamiliesHealthcare
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