Legislative Update Week 8: Crossover Chaos

Crossover day last week saw a lot of the really terrible bills, and also many of the best we were hoping to move, hit the recycle bin. With only a few days left in the session, every call or email to our legislators, and our governor, is vitally important for the bills that remain. 

And make sure to call Governor Jim Justice asking him to veto the PEIA bill which passed! Some spouses may lose their coverage and all our rates will go up!

Let’s face it. What goes on under the dome affects each of us, our friends, our neighbors, our families. Keep reading to find out more. And be sure to check our events calendar for opportunities for learning and action in the final coming days of the WV Legislative Session.

Keep Those Memberships Coming! You are the Action in Citizen Action and when you make those calls to legislators and send in that green energy to support the work. It’s a real morale boost when the going gets tough! So thank you for taking a minute to join or renew your membership!

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