Capital Eye Vol. 17 No. 7

       ‘Crossover Day’ is history, and we have one week left to go in the 2024 legislative session. Of the nearly 2,600 bills introduced, only those which have passed either the House or the Senate are still in play. Each chamber has passed over 240 of their bills to the other side, so these, and the remaining ones that made it past the Feb. 28th deadline, will be the ones fought over moving forward.

       So far, only 48 bills have been passed by both the House and Senate and sent to the Governor. Many of the worst bills have yet to make it all the way through the gauntlet to his desk. Hopefully most of the bad ones still ticking will expire at midnight on March 9th when the session comes to an end. This is in many ways a war of attrition and doing what’s needed to slow down or amend awful bills, counting votes in committees, and hurry up and wait.

‘Crossover Day’ is History – One Week to Go
Our job moving forward is to try to get the few good bills still in play over the finish line and make as many bumps in the road as possible for those we want to die. This is where you, our citizen activists, can really help!
Tagged: Budget Priorities
Healthcare for All – Week 8
Besides the vital insurance coverage it provides to the people of the state, Medicaid is vital to West Virginia’s hospitals and providers. Our health care infrastructure is more heavily dependent on Medicaid than most other states.
Tagged: FamiliesHealthcare
Support HB 5647, Support Medicaid, Support Healthy WV
Legislators must put the health of WV first and vote YES on House Bill 5647, the bill that will fully fund Medicaid in the future.
Tagged: FamiliesHealthcare
Oppose HB 5159: Elimination of Work Permits Detrimental to Low-Income Youth
HB 5159 would now eliminate work permits for 14 and 15 year old's. It was advanced by the Senate Workforce Committee on February 21st, 2024.
Tagged: Civil RightsFamilies
Some Good News from the Capitol
In this brutal legislative session, victory doesn’t quite look the way it has in years past. Reducing the harm of any given bill through the committee and amendment process is a win. Read the good news, plus ways to challenge what the legislature is trying to do to laid off workers, elementary school students, and seniors on SNAP.
Tagged: Civil RightsDemocracyFamilies
SORO Carbon Credit Alert
Some WV lawmakers are trying to pass legislation severely restricting West Virginians’ ability to manage their timber. SB 618 would regulate terms, require new bureaucratic filings, impose new taxes, and ultimately discourage participation in carbon offset agreements.
Tagged: EconomyEnergyEnvironment
Tell Your Senators: No Arming Teachers!
Schools should be safer; and there is plenty of research that shows how to make that happen, not arming teachers!
Tagged: Civil RightsFamilies
WV Environmental Council Weekly Roundup
This is their weekly roundup as we head into the final week of the session. Learn which bills WVEC is working to defeat, why they’re bad, and how you can help.
Tagged: Environment
2024 Legislative Session Resources
Remember to follow these other great resources for legislative updates and actions!


Updated: August 27, 2024 — 8:24 am
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