Capital Eye Vol. 18 No. 4: We’re Not Backing Down

People in power hope you won’t notice the attacks on democracy that are escalating, and the rights we count on are hanging in the balance. But we see what’s happening—and we’re not backing down. This week, we’re diving into the latest fights for democracy, critical healthcare advocacy, and urgent air monitoring actions. CAG Healthcare Organizer Mindy’s self-care piece reminds us that recharging is just as necessary as resisting.

In This Issue: 

TONIGHT: Join our Virtual Medicaid Session to learn more about the proposed state and federal cuts to Medicaid and other critical safety net programs, and what we can do about it. On Saturday, we’re hosting a FREE Fundamentals of Organizing training at the Cabell County Library in Huntington. Take advantage of this chance to connect with fellow organizers and gain practical tools to impact your community.

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