Coal’s cost is burdening West Virginia

The Charleston Gazette-Mail – The op-ed recently published in the Gazette-Mail written by Chris Hamilton, president and CEO of the West Virginia Coal Association, hails coal-fired electricity as poised to meet anticipated growing demand. Meanwhile, Attorney General JB McCuskey claims that coal and gas are the most reliable and cost-effective energy sources.

However, these assertions neglect the financial realities that West Virginia’s ratepayers face, the health and legacy costs of fossil resource extraction and consumption, as well as the opportunities presented by renewable energy. Mr Hamilton’s opinions go well with his position as head of the Coal Association. I’m not sure why our incoming attorney general feels a need to pick winners and losers in the energy marketplace.

Read Gary’s full commentary here

West Virginia deserves a fair energy future — one where ratepayers aren’t footing the bill for the preferences of a few big users and where affordable, reliable electricity is available to everyone.

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