Early Voting Starts Today!

Early voting for the 2022 primary election starts TODAY! Voting is fundamental to our democracy. 


Until Wednesday, May 4 – Voters may submit Applications for an Absentee Ballot to their County Clerk. Note: Applications received after May 4, even if postmarked, by law cannot be accepted. The eligibility for Absentee Voting includes updates for voters who take precautions due to COVID-19. (Download and print the application from GoVoteWV.com or call your county clerk to request the application be mailed to you.) 

Wednesday, April 27 through Saturday, May 7 – Early Voting at any Early Voting Location in your county during normal business hours and Saturdays 9am to 5pm. A list of locations and hours can be found at GoVoteWV.com. 

Tuesday, May 10 – Primary Election Day – Polls open 6:30am to 7:30pm. REDISTRICTING may have changed your precinct, district, and polling place. 

Remember: A form of identification is required to vote at the polls.

KNOW YOUR OPTIONS and make a plan to vote. 

It’s easy to see your SAMPLE BALLOT, find your POLLING PLACE, and explore your options for either voting by mail (ABSENTEE  BALLOT) or in-person (EARLY VOTING or ELECTION DAY). Find this and much more information at GoVoteWV.com.

Questions? Assistance?  Contact your County Clerk or the WV Secretary of State’s office at 304-558-6000.

The future of West Virginia depends on your VOTE! 

*Information compiled in coordination with the Charleston Branch NAACP, Rise Up WV, the WV Faith Table, and the WV Civic Engagement Table. Â