Recently Sen. Manchin voted for an amendment in support of Earned Sick Leave. West Virginia Citizen Action and our national affiliate USAction think it’s times to ask him to take the next step…Ask Sen. Manchin to cosponsor the Healthy Families Act, (S 497) legislation that would allow workers to earn paid sick leave to use when they are sick, to care for a sick family member, to obtain preventive care, or to address the impacts of domestic violence.Click to sign the petition – we’ll deliver in person next week: http://action.usaction.org/p/dia/action3/common/public/?action_KEY=694A full forty percent of private-sector American workers have no access to paid sick days— meaning that they cannot miss a day of work without risking a day’s pay or even their job. When illness or emergency strikes, millions of hardworking people must make an impossible choice between the job they need and their or their families’ health and well-being, Under the Healthy Families Act, workers would have the security of knowing that they will be able to tend to their families and themselves without losing their jobs or their income.Paid sick days are also a matter of public health – seventy percent of low-wage workers—including food service, hospitality, nursing home care and child care employees—have no paid sick days. The Healthy Families Act can help stop the spread of illness, especially by those workers who have frequent contact with members of the public.Senate Bill 497 would allow workers to earn up to 56 hours (or seven days) of paid sick leave. Workers would earn one hour of paid sick time for every 30 hours worked. Employers that already provide paid sick time will not have to change their current policies, as long as their existing time can be used for the same purposes.
Click to sign the petition – we’ll deliver in person next week: http://action.usaction.org/p/dia/action3/common/public/?action_KEY=694 Fast Facts on Paid Sick Days
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