Earth Day at Marshall University – 4/20 at 11AM


Earth day green background illustration

Marshall University will be hosting an Earth Day Celebration on Wednesday, April 20th, from 11AM-2PM at the Marshall University Student Center Plaza and Buskirk Field.

We and our WV New Jobs Coalition partners will be there sharing information about how new greener jobs and infrastructure could drastically improve our state’s economy and the quality of life for our people.

Marshall will be hosting a whole week of activities, and we invite you to join in the green efforts. 

  • April 18 6-7 pm – WV Rivers Coalition will present on the WV Climate Pledge. Collective and transformational action on climate change is necessary to meet the science-based climate targets and avoid the worst impacts.
  • April 19 11am – Liz Moss from the WVSU Extension Service Agriculture and Natural Resources Division will give a tree pruning workshop in Buskirk Field.
  • April 19 4pm in Marco’s in the Memorial Student Center the WV Electric Auto Association will give a talk on the current state of electric vehicles and everything you will need to know before and after the purchasing process.
  • April 19 6-7pm John Spotts Room in Memorial Student Center- Leah Fitzgerald will present a lecture surrounding climate change, food sovereignty, and the systemic structures of our food system that act as barriers to social (and food) justice.
  • April 20 11am-3pm – Earth Day Event with vendors, electric vehicles, solar panels, demo charging stations, and many activities, including mushroom workshops and Leave No Trace camping demonstrations. Tours of the roof top and student gardens as well as the greenhouse will be offered.
  • April 20 3pm at James E Morrow Library – Transfer of the WV Climate Time Capsule to be opened in 2050. Written contributions to the Time Capsule will be accepted at the Earth Day event earlier that day at the League of Women Voters of WV table.
  • April 21 – Buskirk Field 1pm – WV Conservation agency will have their soil trailer on display and the Sustainability Department Compost Coordinator, Mike Easter, will be giving a backyard composting workshop.
  • April 21- Shawkey Dining Room 6pm-9pm – Kiss the Ground Documentary and panel discussion. “Kiss the Ground” is a new film about how regenerating the world’s soils has the potential to rapidly stabilize Earth’s climate, restore lost ecosystems, and create abundant food supplies. Popcorn will be served.
  • April 22 10am-4pm Volunteer Day – reach out to to volunteer on one of our sustainable projects on campus.
  • April 23 9am-12pm Earth Day Trash Clean Up sponsored by the Huntington Storm Water Utility – Contact Carrie at 304-942-2525 or for details.
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