Get on a Bus Tuesday to Defend the Clean Power Plan

This week, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is holding the only public hearing scheduled on the Trump administration’s proposed rollback of the Clean Power Plan, our country’s first federal standards for carbon pollution from power plants. 

Trump and Scott Pruitt are again putting polluter profits before the health and safety of our communities and the environment, despite overwhelming support of the Clean Power Plan, demonstrated by millions of comments, and thousands rallying and testifying in support at listening sessions and public hearings.
















Registration for the EPA hearing is closed, however, the Sierra Club and allies are hosting the People’s Hearing for Healthy Communities on November 28 in Charleston, They’ll collect comments to share with the EPA. Bus are available to bring you to Charleston from Huntington and Morgantown. Details here.

RSVP and join us on November 28 to remind Trump and his administration that he is out of step with the public and the world, and that we support climate action now!

Written comments will be accepted through January 16, 2018. Click here to learn more.