Capital Eye: Fall 2017 Vol. 10 No. 12

Our movement is building…a people-powered movement!

We may not have been able to stop Trump from taking office, but we can and will continue to fight back against his disastrous policies and executive orders.  We have defeated Trump’s attempt to dismantle the ACA not once, not twice but three times…and we are continuing the fight to #ProtectOurCare!  

In September, we co-hosted the WV Grassroots Summit – a two-day convening of more than 150 activist leaders from around the state. The trainings and workshops ranged from learning to run for office, to running issue-based campaigns, to impacting elections.  

We are organizing, training, and building stronger allies to make sure that opposing forces are matched with organized social justice warriors ready to rise up and demand that working families, children, seniors, those with disabilities, marginalized communities – the people of WV – are put first!

With your support, WV Citizen Action is ready to keep the pressure on Trump, as well as federal and state lawmakers supporting his misogynist, homophobic, racist, anti-worker, and anti-environment agenda. Keep reading for actions you can take now to push back against efforts to repeal the Clean Power Plan, and giving massive, unnecessary tax cuts to billionaires that will force cuts in health care, education and other vital programs. 

Our fight isn’t just in Washington. From January to March, WV CAG will be at the WV Legislature to lobby for clean air and water, renewable energy, and a stronger democracy – as well as to fight for new revenue and against extreme cuts to essential social programs.

We will be contacting you as these issues unfold to make citizen lobby calls, visit legislators, and attend rallies. In the meantime, we’ve included actions you can take now to protect West Virginia consumers and save energy efficiency programs. 

For over four decades we have been your voice at the Capitol – sending the progressive message that we can have both jobs and a clean environment, that everyone deserves health care, and that millionaires should pay their fair share so our government can operate effectively.

Your gift this year is more important than ever!  We are people powered and we cannot do this work without your support, so renew your membership today! If you can, give an additional tax-deductible donation to WV Citizen Action Education Fund.

Get on a Bus Tuesday to Defend the Clean Power Plan
The Sierra Club and allies are hosting the People’s Hearing for Healthy Communities on November 28 in Charleston, They’ll collect comments to share with the EPA. Bus are available to bring you to Charleston from Huntington and Morgantown. Details here. Join us to remind Trump and his administration that he is out of step with the public and the world, and that we support climate action now!
Tagged: Civil RightsEnergyEnvironmentFamilies
Tell Senators Capito & Manchin to Say “No Thanks!” to GOP Tax Plan
This week, members of Congress are back home for Thanksgiving recess. When they return to Washington next week, the Senate will vote on a tax plan that would balloon the country’s deficit by giving away massive tax cuts to wealthy individuals and corporations, while giving families, students, people in recovery, and small business owners even less to be thankful for in the coming years. We must send a strong message to Senators Shelley Moore Capito and Joe Manchin and tell them to say “No thanks!” to the GOP tax plan. 
Tagged: Budget PrioritiesCivil RightsFair taxationFamiliesHealthcare
West Virginians Continue Fight Against FirstEnergy
FirstEnergy Corp, the Ohio-based parent company of Mon Power and Potomac Edison, wants to have Mon Power purchase the Pleasants plant from another FirstEnergy subsidiary. This plan shifts the cost and economic risk of the Pleasants plant from FirstEnergy onto its customers. As of the time of publication, no decision has been made by the West Virginia Public Service Commission (PSC), so your input can still have an impact.
Tagged: EconomyEnergy
Surprise Fight at the PSC Over Appalachian Power Energy Efficiency Programs
Staff based their recommendations on a method of assessing cost-effectiveness that no other state utilizes. It did not take into account the benefits to people who participate in energy efficiency programs, only the benefits to those who do not.
Tagged: EconomyEnergy
Grassroots Summit Helps Grow People-Powered Movement
This September, over 150 people from across the state, came together for the WV Grassroots Summit, a two-day planning and grassroots organizing summit in Buckhannon, WV. During this two day summit, folks had the opportunity to join in on trainings, workshops, projects, networking opportunities, roundtable discussions, and more. We look forward to co-hosting future events to build on this people-powered momentum!
Tagged: Civil RightsFamilies
Update on WV Voter Registration Purge, Presidential Election Integrity Commission
In response to news reports that more than 67,000 voters had been removed from West Virginia’s voter registration rolls since January, representatives of the League of Women Voters of WV, ACLU of WV and WV Citizen Action Group met with Secretary of State Warner’s elections division staff to learn more about the process for removing voters from the rolls, and the reasons for their removal. Our organizations have also been monitoring the activities of the Presidential Election Integrity Commission.
Tagged: Civil RightsDemocracy
Without disclosure, we don’t know what conflicts of interest our judges may have
Without common-sense disclosure laws, anyone could end up across the courtroom from another other party who has given hundreds of thousands of dollars to a dark money group supporting the judge ruling on their case. And they wouldn't even have the information, to ask the judge to recuse himself or herself.
Tagged: Civil RightsDemocracy
Suicide of Environmentalist and Other Poems
by the Hillbilly Poet "I ponder on small thoughts how they trouble big people. I am a spectator in the game of life."
Tagged: Civil RightsEconomyEnvironmentFamilies
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