Capital Eye Vol. 17 No. 4

We’re now in the 5th week of the 2024 session, and have reached the halfway mark (Day 30). The pace is accelerating and committees’ agendas are growing longer.

We know it’s challenging to follow the session, but please keep up the good work making those calls to lawmakers on your high priority issues! You’re the citizen in Citizen Action —and it absolutely does get their attention. And, if you haven’t already, please renew your membership so we can keep our team in action with you and for you. Thank YOU for your support! 


Halfway There: Black Policy Day Highlights the Week
We’re now in the 5th week of session and have reached the halfway mark (Day 30). The pace is accelerating. Committees’ agendas and floor sessions are growing longer. Wednesday, February 7th was Black Policy Day and we were there with many other groups tabling and showing support for the policies being supported by our communities of color as part of the Black Policy Agenda. With so much happening so fast, your calls and notes to legislators are needed every week, so please keep them coming and Tell Them What You Want!
Tagged: Civil RightsEnergyEnvironment
West Virginia Leaders Must Fully Fund Medicaid
As of December 2023, there are 516,100 West Virginians on Medicaid. This includes almost 50% of our children. But with the program facing a shortfall that is the result of lack of foresight about saving state Medicaid dollars during the Public Health Emergency, some state leaders are looking at more ways to save the state money, including cutting certain services.
Tagged: FamiliesHealthcare
Keep Guns Out of Schools – Oppose HB 4299 with Moms Demand Action
HB 4299 passed the Education Committee about 10 days ago and as yet has not been taken up by the Judiciary Committee. Stay tuned for updates and calls to action. In addition to HB 4299 there are four other bills related to armed personnel that are not teachers. One of these, HB 4851, passed the House with a controversial amendment that limits some types of diversity training from the list of training that may be provided to school resource officers.
Tagged: Civil RightsFamilies
SB 562 – SNAP and a Starving Job Market in WV
SB 562 would make optional work and job training mandatory in order to receive food. WV already tested this model in a 2016 Pilot. The model not only FAILED to increase employment, but it increased hunger across the state!
Tagged: Budget PrioritiesDemocracyEconomyFamilies
Climate Eye Week 5
We've reached day 30 of 60, we're halfway there! Here are some updates on WV Citizen Action's ongoing legislative work around climate with actions you can take to support net metering and protect citizen air monitoring. If you’re interested in environmental issues and advocacy, we’d love to see you at E-Day on February 13th!
Tagged: EconomyEnergyEnvironmentFamiliesWorkers
School Discipline Bill “Misses The Mark” by a Mile
SB 614 says: punish first, maybe seek understanding later, and in the meantime call the police and eliminate the child from school. Protect Kids: Tell Senators to Vote NO on SB 614!
Tagged: Civil RightsFamilies
“Women’s Bill of Rights” is Cover for Culture War
HB 5243 is a bold and discriminatory step in the wrong direction for WV. Transgender West Virginians face serious discrimination in the state and the bill would further give a foothold to restrictive values by making wholly incorrect statements regarding gender, sex, and identity into law. 


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