Inaction is Unacceptable: Demand Senators Pass a #PeoplesBailOut NOW

Since mid-March, WV CAG has worked with partners and allies to provide a local, state, and federal response to the pandemic, and communicate to our governor, DHHR, and other state and local officials what regular folks really need to get through this crisis. Although the House passed the HEROES Act in May, the Senate has failed to pass another relief package, resulting in an interruption in benefits for more than 25 million Americans, leaving many of them unable to pay their rent, buy food or medicine, or take care of their families. 

This inaction is unacceptable. We must insist that our Senators do their job and pass a robust relief package in response to the ongoing crisis. 

Here are the things that need to be addressed in the next relief bill:

  • Healthcare: Increase federal Medicaid match 12-15% so to help states cover increased healthcare costs for sick residents and newly displaced workers
  • Food Security: Bump SNAP by 15% as was done in 2008 recession. Make sure the WV Summer Foods program expands its reach and actually gets to kids in need.
  • Housing: Keep families from being evicted and mortgages foreclosed for the duration of the pandemic.
  • Kids & Families: Support childcare for workers and families, and funding and resources for our schools so that families who want to will be able to send their children back to school when it’s safe to do so.  
  • States, Counties, and Cities need money to stabilize their budgets, and to keep public workers who provide essential services employed. 

We are experiencing an economic disaster that is being felt in every corner of this country.

Call Senators Manchin and Capito now and demand that they pass a relief bill that ensures workers, families, and our communities are supported during this crisis.

Thank you for taking action and being our partners in this fight. Be sure to check out the newsletter to read more about other projects we’re focused on and ways to keep this work going and growing. 

Yours for Action, 

P.S. The election is 82 days away. All registered voters in West Virginia may vote absentee this election cycle, because of an extension of an emergency rule that relaxed the qualification to use an absentee ballot during the COVID-19 pandemic. Click here to learn more and visit to request your absentee ballot TODAY!

P.P.S. It’s heartening to have dedicated supporters like you who realize the fight must go on even through a global pandemic the likes of which few alive have ever seen. You continue to make our work possible. THANK YOU!

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