Your Invitation to the only WV Showings of “Where to Invade Next”

WV CAG is partnering with the WV International Film Festival to bring you Michael Moore’s newest documentary, Where to Invade Next.

Read what MetaCritic says about the film:

“’Where to Invade Next’ is an expansive, rib-tickling, and subversive comedy in which Moore, playing the role of ‘invader’, visits a host of nations to learn how the U.S. could improve its own prospects. The creator of ‘Fahrenheit 9/11′ and ‘Bowling for Columbine’ is back with this hilarious and eye-opening call to arms. Turns out the solutions to America’s most entrenched problems already existed in the world – they’re just waiting to be co-opted.”

Opening night is this Friday, April 15th at 6 pm! We’ll have a panel discussion after the showing to talk about the issues brought up by the film. Come join us!

While there are two more screenings – April 23rd & April 24th – of Where to Invade Next at the LaBelle Theater in South Charleston for the 2016 Spring WVIFF, Friday’s will be the only one featuring a discussion.

For more details on tickets prices and the WVIFF and/or to RSVP and invite your friends, please visit the event page.

We hope to see you soon!

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