Jammin’ for Jobs and Justice in Fairmont

By: Carey Jo Grace

CAG staff celebrated WV Day at Jammin’ for Jobs and Justice in Fairmont, WV, where Carey Jo spoke to the crowd and Gary was interviewed by Sen. Manchin’s hometown newspaper. Here’s the article: https://www.timeswv.com/news/local_news/environmental-labor-groups-join-forces-to-fight-climate-change/article_3f90783c-f150-11ec-8327-db11f33c7918.html

The event, organized by the Chesapeake Climate Action Network and co-sponsored by CAG and the WV New Jobs Coalition, was a call to action for Manchin to vote ‘yes’ on reconciliation. Dozens stopped by our table (while eating delicious bbq) to send West Virginia birthday cards to the senator and sign up to stay informed about our work. We had conversations with everyone from college students to retirees about climate concerns, cleaning up acid mine drainage and green jobs in the Mountain State, all while listening to some great live music.