Join us to learn about Medicare (dis)Advantage ahead of open enrollment

Join Virtually on Sept. 11:

Do you have questions about all of the ads and messaging you are seeing about Medicare Advantage plans? Join us for our Care Over Cost September meeting talking about the true cost of Medicare (dis)Advantage and what it means for you.  

We will have experts and patients available to tell you their experience and why you should keep your traditional Red, White, and Blue Medicare card!  

Join us on Zoom on Wednesday, Sept. 11 at 7:00 pm. Register here!


Join In-Person in Huntington on Sept. 16:

Are you or your loved ones considering enrolling in Medicare during the open enrollment period? Let WV Citizen Action and Physicians for a National Health Plan help you understand the differences, advantages, and disadvantages. Our featured speaker, Dr. Daniel Doyle with Physicians for a National Health Program – WV Chapter, will discuss how the programs work and how they do or do not benefit patient care. Knowledge is power – especially when it comes to your health care!

Join us at the Cabell County Public Library, 455 9th Street, Huntington, WV, on September 16, from 5:30 – 7 p.m. Register here!

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