Join Us at the WV Grassroots Summit

This September, we hope you’ll join us for a two-day planning and grassroots organizing summit in Buckhannon, WV. People all across our state are rising up to fight for equality for themselves, their families, and their neighbors – not for big donors on Wall Street. In West Virginia, we believe in freedom for all people regardless of gender, race, class, orientation, disability, or status.

During our two day event, you will have the opportunity to join in on trainings, workshops, projects, networking opportunities, roundtable discussions, and more – if you are standing up for yourself, your family, and/or your community, this summit is for you! Click here to register. 

Hosted by: Upshur County Indivisible – Votes
Partner organizations include: Our Vote Our Future, WV Progressive Alliance, WV Working Families, WV AFL-CIO, WV Citizen Action, Mercer Resistance, WV Indivisible, Mountaineers for Progress, WV FREE Action Fund, RiseUp WV, Wood County Indivisible, Planned Parenthood Votes
Guest speakers and invited presenters from: WV Center on Budget and Policy, OCOF Safety Net Campaign, WV for Affordable Health Care, Citizen Action Education Fund, Sierra Club, ACLU-WV, Planned Parenthood WV, Kanawha Valley DSA, WV Healthy Kids and Families Coalition, Call to Action for Racial Equality, Partnership for Furthering Arts and Education (PFAE), Heritage Towns Museum Committee to End 21st Century Slavery, Poetik Entertainment, Metropolitan Catering & Entertainment… and we’re just getting started!
Is your organization interested in being a sponsor? Email:
Goals of the WV Grassroots Summit:
1) To build relationships, stronger ties, and better communications among grassroots leaders and organizations in West Virginia – across the state.
2) To provide concrete training, education, and resources to new and emerging leaders and organizers across the state.
3) To begin strategizing and unifying leaders and organizations toward the 2018 elections.
4) Promoting the message that Hate has No Home Here in West Virginia
Questions about lodging? Email:

*This weekend coincides with a Jewish holiday. We apologize deeply for this conflict. Every weekend we considered would have caused a major conflict with one of our partners. We are committed to making what happens at the Summit welcoming to all. In that spirit, many of the workshops will be livestreamed and available on-line after the event. All of our workshop presenters are also committed to making themselves available one-on-one with anyone who is unable to attend the event but is curious to learn more. If you are unable to attend the event, but would like more information about one or more of the particular sessions, contact