Register Now for Our Children, Our Future Policy Forums

Citizen Action Group Action Alert
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Register Now for Our Children, Our Future Policy Forums

WV Citizen Action is a co-sponsor of the Our Children, Our Future campaign’s Policy Forums in August and we would like to invite our members to participate in this dynamic form of grassroots activism!

WVRPW Beckley

Please let us know if you sign up for one of the regional meetings or the September capitol conference in Charleston. We want to be sure to watch out for you at the event!

Below are ten good reasons OCOF lists as why you should join us…

  1. Come because you like to win… you’ll get to spend a day with a non-partisan group that has helped win 17 policy victories in 3 years!
  2. Free lunch, provided by a local business.
  3. The legislator panel!  You’ll have the opportunity to ask local legislators about the issues you care about most.
  4. Meet other people who want to make change, and are willing to make it work
  5. Learn the 7 steps for passing a law in West Virginia.
  6. They’re all over the state: Weirton, Huntington, and Beckley!
  7. At each training, you will learn more about our day-long candidate trainings happening in November and December (
  8. Over the course of the next year, OCOF is developing a vision for West Virginia children.  At the Workshop, you’ll have an opportunity to help create that vision!
  9. Get top-notch trainings on media & communications and policy advocacy.
  10. Hear about some of our 27 issue proposals for 2016 — from college debt solutions and earned income tax credit to high speed internet and foster care reform to child mental health and tobacco tax… and add your two cents!

Registration Links Below:

Southern Regional Student Workshop – Beckley – August 3rd at the Erma Byrd Higher Education Center: Issues: West Virgina Food and Farm Coalition,Youth Mental Health, College Debt, Juvenile Justice, School Health Classes, Afterschool Programs, Foster Care Bill of Rights, High Speed Internet  Register here

Central Regional Workshop – Huntington – August 11th: Issues: Expungement, Early Childhood Education, Opposing Right to Work, Shared-Use Agreements, Driver’s Licenses, Pregnant Mom Health Coverage, Participatory Budgeting   Register here

Northern Regional Workshop – Weirton – August 17th:  Issue Teams: Tobacco Tax, State Earned Income Tax Credit, Oral Health, APRN Health Policy, Food Banks, Foster Youth  Register here


The Our Children, Our Future campaign is made up of over 177 organizations/individuals committed to empowering West Virginia’s families and ending child poverty.

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