MEDIA ADVISORY: Rally to be held outside Senator Manchin’s Charleston office on Monday

Media Advisory for July 16th, 2022

Contact: Gary Zuckett, WV Citizen Action, garyz at, 304-437-3701

Rally to be held outside Senator Manchin’s Charleston office on Monday –
WV Groups/Citizens are Frustrated with Delayed Action on Climate 

Charleston, W.Va.: This Monday, July 18th, at 5PM, WV Citizen Action and others will host a public rally outside of Senator Manchin’s office at These WV groups and citizens are inviting the press to attend, and everyone who is concerned about passing a robust climate change policy funded by fair taxation. 

Senator Manchin announced Friday that he wants to delay this plan which puts its passage in doubt. In response, the West Virginia Climate Alliance’ members submitted a letter to Senator Manchin (letter and press release here). 

The key idea for the proposed climate change policy and others within the Biden administration’s Reconciliation package, a plan that senate Democrats had negotiated and agreed upon just a week ago, is that it would be paid for by making millionaires, billionaires and tax-dodging corporations pay their fair share of taxes. A recent report details not only billionaires’ record profits during the pandemic, but how they are increasingly using their wealth to influence elections and policy. Many of them find ways to pay zero federal income tax. 

Who: WV Citizen Action;  WV New Jobs Coalition; WV Climate Alliance; WV Environmental Council; Appalachian Voices; Reimagine Appalachia: Common Defense WV – and others

What: Rally for Climate Justice

When: Monday July 18th from 5-6:15 PM

Where: Sen Manchin’s Charleston office @ 900 Pennsylvania Ave., Charleston, WV 25302.

Large signs and banners will be on display. Check the facebook event or the WVCAG facebook page for the livestream.


Since 1974, West Virginia Citizen Action Group has advocated for better public policies, rights of individuals, a cleaner environment, and a stronger democratic process. 
