Protect Honesty in Education: Tell Delegates Not to Censor the Truth

Call to Action: A bill introduced in the House of Delegates (HB 4011) would suppress the discussion of topics related to diversity, equity and inclusion; and bury the truth about how actions and policies have injured and continue to harm marginalized people and communities including indigenous, LGBTQIA+ and non-white peoples.

The House Education Committee will be taking up HB 4011 at 3PM TODAY!

HB 4011, which is deceptively call the “Anti-Stereotyping Act”, is nothing but a rephrasing of efforts to ban discussion of so-called “divisive concepts” or teaching that even suggests that discrimination is a part of our nation’s history and continues to be present in its social structures.

We need to have truthful and honest discussions with our kids about systemic racism, oppression and privilege, and other forms of discrimination. HB 4011 would prohibit these important discussions.

Contact members of the House Education Committee today! Tell them to oppose HB 4011.

You can find contact information here OR take action via this campaign by Fairness WV.

Message: “I am calling/writing to express my opposition to HB 4011, the ‘Anti-Stereotyping Act.’ HB 4011 is a back-door attempt to suppress the discussion of topics related to diversity, equity and inclusion; and bury the truth about how actions and policies have injured and continue to harm marginalized people and communities including indigenous, LGBTQIA+ and non-white peoples.

We need to have truthful and honest discussions with our kids about systemic racism, oppression and privilege, and other forms of discrimination. HB 4011 would prohibit these discussions.

This proposed legislation is nothing but a rephrasing of efforts here and elsewhere to ban discussion of so-called ‘divisive concepts’ or teaching that even that discrimination is a part of our nation’s history and continues to be present in its social structures.

Instead of intimidating and censoring our educators, and suppressing the truth, the Legislature should be focused on making sure our kids have the knowledge, skills, and ability to think carefully, critically, and creatively, so they can thrive and prosper.

Please oppose HB 4011.”

This alert was written using materials provided by the John Bolt, Susan Eason, and Catherine Tall with the WV Truth in History Coalition (WVCTH) and the ACLU of WV. Learn more about WVCTH here and see details on how you can sign on to support their upcoming ad in the Charleston-Gazette Mail. Background on “cirriculum tranparency” bills here

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