School Discipline Bill “Misses The Mark” by a Mile

Action Alert from the American Friends Service Committee – WV Economic Justice Project: 

SB 614 says: punish first, maybe seek understanding later, and in the meantime call the police and eliminate the child from school. 

       SB 614, a student discipline bill, is moving towards a vote in the Senate and would subject elementary school kids to the problematic school discipline bill that passed last year — in really harmful ways… 

       SB 614 would allow the removal of elementary age students from the classroom, prohibit them from riding the bus home, subject them to law enforcement interactions if their parents are unable to pick them up, and exclude them from school until a risk assessment is completed, which could take days to weeks.  

       While the bill contains language that kids can be sent to “any behavioral intervention program the county has established” the legislation provides no funding or resources for school districts to develop alternatives or behavioral supports. The bill does not create any additional support or services for our teachers and kids, although we know there are trauma-informed, evidence-based programs that work, programs that everyone knows are cost-intensive.

Protect Kids: Tell Senators to Vote NO on SB 614

       SB 614 is the opposite of trauma-informed and will disproportionately impact Black children, foster care youth, students with disabilities, and low-income students, all of whom are already overrepresented in suspensions and expulsions.

      Read this excellent takedown of SB 614 from Blaire Malkin with Mountain State Justice in West Virginia Watch.


       The bill sits in the House as of 2/26/2024.