Spring Fling – Get Your Tickets NOW!

West Virginia Citizen Action Group
West Virginia
Citizen Action Group
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One of West Virginia’s biggest strengths is its people. This beautiful state is full of passionate folks doing work to keep our people happy, healthy, and successful. That’s one reason why, each year, we host our Spring Fling: WV CAG Annual Awards Dinner & Fundraiser. 🌷🌸🌷🌸🌷


Meet this year’s awardees!

Loretta has fought for civil rights and racial justice her entire life. Among other “firsts,” she was the first African American cheerleader at the newly integrated Greenbrier East High School and a member of the first integrated class to graduate from West Virginia Wesleyan College.

Today, Loretta is a founding leader of Women of Color for Change, a state steering committee member of Race Matters, and an active leader of West Virginia Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival.

In her recent years living in Ronceverte, Loretta has worked tirelessly to develop a public conversation about racism in Greenbrier County and to launch a campaign addressing racist incidents in Greenbrier County Schools. Her accomplishments this year include setting up a support system to accompany parents to talk with school officials when their children have been racially targeted, holding public forums on racism in schools, and organizing a county-wide, volunteer-led diversity training for hundreds of Greenbrier County school personnel.

Join us in honoring and celebrating Loretta (and our other awardees, of course) at this year’s Spring Fling: WV CAG Annual Awards Dinner & Fundraiser! Tickets and sponsorships are on sale now. 🎟💻

Paul embodies a life of public service. From his early days as an AmeriCorps VISTA working on flood recovery and anti-poverty efforts in Mingo County to his many decades fighting employment discrimination and representing the state Human Rights Commission, Paul has fought tirelessly and usually behind-the-scenes for the oppressed.

In recent years, he was an integral part of Advocates for a Safe Water System‘s effort to improve the safety of our drinking water after the January 2014 chemical spill and has continued to advocate on behalf of the most vulnerable as the director of Legal Aid of West Virginia’s office in Logan County.

Feeling inspired yet? Purchase your ticket or sponsorship! 🎟💻

We often honor one former or current legislator each year at our Spring Fling…but this year, there were too many all-stars in the Freshman class of the 2019 West Virginia Legislature to not take a chance to recognize them all! 🎖

Meet this year’s “Rising Star” WV state legislators: Senator Richard Lindsay, WV 8th District, Senator Bill Ihlenfeld, Delegate Danielle Walker, Delegate Sammi Brown, Delegate Amanda Estep Burton, Delegate Evan Hansen, Delegate Cindy Lavender-Bowe, Delegate Cody Thompson, and Delegate Lisa Zukoff. ✨

Join us in honoring these “Rising Stars” and our other awardees! Purchase your tickets / sponsorships today. 🎟💻📲

Even if you can’t make it, you can still purchase a sponsorship or ticket to help WV CAG raise funds for another successful year of organizing and lobbying; then donate your sponsorship / ticket to friends, family, coworkers, students, or someone else of your choosing!

Haven’t purchased your ticket yet?
What are you waiting for?!
Purchase one now!

Sponsorship deadline is Thursday, May 8th – hurry! Individual ticket sales will continue until sold out.

We hope to see you there!