Our nation was founded on some of humanity’s highest ideals, but from the start, we’ve fallen painfully short. We stole this land from its original inhabitants. Slavery still poisons our country in the form of today’s institutional racism. Meanwhile, capitalism, when left unchecked and unaccountable, extracts labor and wealth from the masses and concentrates wealth in the hands of the few, and serves the interests of the few rather than the good of the whole.
We should protect peaceful democratic principles and stand by America’s highest ideals: equality, liberty, and love for one another. Join us Thursday for a Stand Up, Fight Back Town Hall discussion, as well as our partners for a series of other events aimed at addressing the current attacks on our planet and people!
Appalachia Stands with Standing Rock! #NoDAPL Solidarity Action
Tuesday, November 15th | 12:30-1 pm
US Army Corps Of Engineers
502 8th St, Huntington, West Virginia 25701
Are you hearing the call to stand with the indigenous water protectors at Standing Rock? This is our moment. We need you to show up and show some Appalachian solidarity! The movement to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline is growing stronger by the day, and it’s time for all of us to rise up and play a role in this fight.
WV Welcomes Solidarity Demonstration
Tuesday, November 15th | 5-6 pm
Mini-pavillion @ Kanawha Boulevard & Court Street in Charleston
Tuesday, November 15th | 7-9 pm
WV FREE Conference Room, Third Floor
1114 Quarrier St. in Charleston
Stand Up, Fight Back Town Hall
Thursday, November 17th | 6:30-8 pm
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Charleston
520 Kanawha Boulevard West
Join WV Citizen Action Group for a town hall discussion on the next for years in West Virginia and the nation. Bring your vision for the community, state, and society you want to create. We’ll explore a sense of purpose and goals to seek the change we are working for.
Now is the time. Let’s build the most vibrant, dynamic, and powerful social movement this country has ever seen. This is the time for people to come together to form a multi-racial, multi-class progressive movement.
It’s important that we stand together and refuse to let ourselves be divided by race, by religion, by sexual orientation, by gender. We need to redirect our anger, and the anger we see in our neighbors, away from each other and towards the 1% who caused the crisis we faced today.
We hope to see you standing up and fighting back this week and in the future!