Take Action to Protect Citizen Air Monitoring

       A bill to weaken citizen air monitoring programs such as ours, has passed out of the House of Delegates after a public hearing that showed no citizen support, and a failed attempt at amendment. Read more here and here. 

       Please take action on this bill and send a note to the Senate Energy Committee asking them to oppose HB 5018. 

       Citizen air monitoring plays a crucial role in engaging citizens and supplementing data gathered by government agencies including the EPA and the DEP. HB 5018 should be rejected because the government should not waste resources on governing community monitoring programs that provide a peace of mind to local citizens, and that fill existing gaps in state and federal monitoring.

Tell Senators to reject HB 5018 and preserve the crucial role citizen monitoring plays in safeguarding our communities and the environment.

       And if you’re interested in hosting a permanent air sensor or a backyard monitoring kit, please fill out this interest form—we’ll be placing 30 new PurpleAir sensors this year!