Tell Congress: Crack Down on Profiteering in Medicare Advantage!

We believe that everyone should have access to the healthcare they need and people should come before profits. That’s why we are fighting for Medicare for All. To get there, we need to stop the expansion of privatized Medicare called Medicare Advantage, which makes healthcare more expensive for everyone while increasing corporate profit.

Medicare Advantage is driving up Medicare spending by billions of dollars a year. 

These companies offer perks like free gym memberships and advertise lower out of pocket costs to seniors. But when people on these plans actually need to use their insurance for a serious illness or injury, their out of pocket expenses shoot up and they get slammed with huge bills. Medicare Advantage plans also inappropriately delay and deny care to people with costly and complex conditions and this behavior is widespread and ongoing. Sometimes, these private insurance companies even kick people off of their plans and send them back to traditional Medicare when their expenses get too high, so the costs don’t cut into their profits. 

On top of that, The New York Times recently chronicled massive fraud by all of the top Medicare Advantage private insurers. 

The Biden Administration has the power to create stronger rules requiring private insurance companies running Medicare Advantage plans to provide better coverage and stop committing fraud and abuse.

Click here to tell your Member of Congress to put people before profits and sign Congresswoman Jayapal’s letter to the Biden Administration calling on them to crack down on fraud and abuse in privatized Medicare.

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Tell Congress: Crack Down on Profiteering in Medicare Advantage

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